I think we all recognise that all the modern innovations and technology introduced in the last couple of decades do not give us more leisure time. In fact innovations have raised expectations to the level where so much more is possible in the working day, that we spend even more time working to meet those expectations.
Speed of communication and transfer of data has increased exponentially over recent years to the level where there is little need to travel to work or even travel to learn.
Bringing together the ability to learn remotely, and the need for learning brought about by the technology itself, are
remote learning courses that offer the same standard as the universities.
Despite the inbox full of spam offering bogus online qualifications, there ARE reputable institutions that are harnessing the power of the internet to bring a genuine
online degree within reach of those that, for one reason or another, are not able to travel to a college or university. The courses are the same standard as those offered to a physical body of students, the method of communication is different, but the learning itself still requires hard graft!
Having said that, those who engage in this type of learning are usually self-motivated and therefore are likely to 'enjoy' the learning experience. Also being in an environment of your own choice is conducive to the learning experience.
Motivation for learning varies from person to person, there are those who simply enjoy learning to add to their own knowledge, others may be pursuing an
online teaching degree or some other work or career-related qualification.
We can conclude that certainly since I was at school, both the methods and the motivations for learning have changed considerably. Traditionally remote learning was popular enough via correspondence courses, and bringing remote learning into the online world has actually made it less remote with the added ability to 'chat' with fellow students and teachers.
Western Governers University has a leading online education program which is both affordable and accredited - the two most important characteristics for online qualifications.
The university was created out of the desire of 19 Western State Governers to pool resources in 1995 and build their own academic institution, and in this respect is totally unique. The institution was set up with distance learning in mind and began accepting students in 1999. The university is a non-profit organisation serving 12,000 students.