Wednesday, 2 September 2009

August 2009 earnings

The diagram is pretty self-explanatory... PayU2blog remain ahead of the field for earnings for me, I have not visited Sponsored Reviews lately but plan to do so hunting for new higher-paying opps.
Contextual adverts have continued to produce a small amount along with surveys and other paid-to-blog services.
I haven't really taken all the opps that I could have done or really pushed my earnings at all this month as I am continuing to concentrate on other projects. I have continued to report earnings in dollars which means the reports are not as accurate as they could be, I am still considering a different way of reporting earnings which may incorporate all earnings (and maybe even outgoings) from other projects as well as blogging. If I choose to do this, it will probably be 'paid out' amounts rather than 'earned'. Many schemes wait about 30 days before paying out, so being able to report these as 'earnings' does not accurately reflect actual cash dropping into my PayPal account. One advantage of doing things this way is that Paypal will convert the dollars into UK£ for me, so I will only have to report one currency and there won't be any guesswork involved, the amounts will reflect actual earnings. The disadvantage will be that the survey companies typically take ages to pay out and the payments (when they come) will appear suddenly without warning.


Rachel said...

PayU2blog certainly seems to be a good earner for you at the moment - I am a member of quite a few of these types of websites and have found that they are by far the best at the moment and like you, they are the only one that I bother with.

Frank said...

I'm always interested in stats like this - I've never done this kind of thing but want to get into it for sure. Thanks.