Thursday 20 May 2010

Becoming a 'wrinkly'

Age is all relative of course, and coming to terms with getting older is something that most of us struggle to do well. In fact, before reaching for the hair dye and wrinkle cream, many folks go through a small crisis and display some odd behaviour. Only today I saw a man in his fifties driving an pale blue open-top Ferrari down the street, an action which screams 'mid-life' crisis (or possibly says more about my envy...). Anyhow, I have taken a good hard look at myself and given myself a kind of audit around the clothes I wear to make sure they are appropriate for my age. On the whole think men are a bit better at this than women, but I think it's an exercise worth doing once you have reached 'the hill' and are on your way 'over' it...
I have replaced jeans and combats with corduroys and chino's - I haven't actually thrown all my jeans and combats away, but I have got rid of the most worn-out ones. I bought myself a smart jacket (in the sale) too, and I have a good supply of shirts and ties from previous clerical jobs.
I don't plan to wear ties very often, but I do think that I need to wear shirts more often, and t-shirts less often. I suppose it's a bit conformist attitude (and I am not really 'into' conforming..) but I really don't want to suddenly find myself looking silly in jeans and a T-shirt - I am happy to embrace the more mature me (at least when it comes to clothes).

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