Not a huge profit again this month, evidence of the squeeze on internet earnings and the need for new revenue streams. I am close to scoring another Google Adsense payout though and have managed £63 ($100) worth of blog postings. Had I not invested in some CD's and renewed some domains, the profit for the month would have been doubled. I have already completed a decent amount of PU2B posts and one from 'blogsvertise' to be paid for during next month, and anticipate fewer outgoings for June. I am also developing a new project which will demand another domain and will make good use of my new unlimited hosting package - this on top of the other projects that I still have in the back of my mind...
The good thing about my latest project is that it requires me to complete some of my outstanding website updates first - so pursuing this new project will force me to complete a lot of work which has been on my 'to-do' list for quite some time. If I can get it launched within the next month or so, I will certainly post about it here. In the meantime, I am not getting many cassette conversions to do which leaves me free to mine other revenue channels.