Monday 2 February 2009

Earnings January 2009

As the face of paid blogging continues to change, we are ready to disclose blogging earnings for the opening month of 2009.
There were few sources of funds this month, some PayU2blog, more than usual from Adsense giving a total of just about $60 for the month. This has got me thinking about how I want to approach paid blogging for the future. I have just renewed two domain names so I am committed for a further 12 months, but am open to changing tactics and maybe switching emphasis. I really want to make time to explore some affiliate earnings, but am finding that i don't have enough time to devote to making the appropriate changes. I have another blog that I am working on in the background but honeslty have paid little attention to it this month. The overall picture is very different to two years ago when comfortable earning could relatively easily be made.

I am very probably a bit lazy in my approach to earnings as my pal Rachel on the TurnOnePoundIntoOneMillion blog is still making good earnings spread over many earning channels. I am happy to concede that I am lazy in relation to online earnings and am choosy about what programs I will use. I have the excuse that my offline income and general family welfare has to come first, so my blogging has to fit in around these priorities.

I am also keen to explore non-blogging online earnings which are as important to me as the blogging earnings although I don't usually report them here. I have reached payout with Adsense again this month, most of this revenue stream is from non-blogging activity although I have found that spread over a number of niche blogs, Adsense is becoming a more significant element in blog-revenue. My investigations into affiliates will be mostly non-blogging sites, but at the same time I will have an eye on anything I may be able to place on a blog.

Every so often, we have to look at the projects we have cultivated and cut out those that are not flourishing - I am notoriously bad at doing this, wanting to give every avenue a chance to blossom. The reality is that in order to pursue a defined goal, things that detract from the main goal need to be sacrificed. I am not saying that I will give up on paid blogging, but I am saying that I will need to work out a strategy to optimise revenue. It turns out that of the four blogs I regularly update, that I am actually 'interested' in continuing two of them - this means that I would be interested in these topics regardless of whether I was being paid. Unfortunately these are not the blogs which make me the most money... and I remain 'interested' in generating revenue even if it's only $60 a month ($60 goes a long way on eBay).


Rachel said...

At least you are making something and also making efforts to think about new avenues of earning. Thanks for the mention, I have dropped a lot of projects this month that do not earn much, as like you, my family priorities do come first so I have decided to focus hard on the things which make the most money and not spend so much time on the things that are more fun!

jay said...

That sounds like a great plan, of course, family helps to get things in perspective a little!!
I am happy with the little I make and most of it ends up back in my PC in some form or other (my next post will explain what I mean..)