Wednesday 25 July 2007

What you can find here...

It's sometimes difficult to ascertain the flavour of a blog from the first few posts, and I am aware that in the last week or so, in my efforts to be a helpful blogger this month - my blog looks more like a free software review site...
So for newcomers (welcome!), Munny4hunny is a site which has reviewed and signed up to a selection of different paid to post schemes (see 'quick-search' in the side-bar). I pursued maximum paid to blog earnings in May, and managed $184 on my PR2 blog. My aim since then has been to raise PR so that I can try for higher earnings. Consequently June was my 'increase popularity' month where I dragged my Technorati Authority up from 23 to it's current level of over 340. This month (July) is my helpful blogger month, where I will be posting tips and hints, answering questions and pointing the way to some excellent free software for PC users everywhere. If I find any good competitions, I will post about those too. When pagerank has been updated, I will be in a position to blog for maximum earnings again, and I for one will be interested to know how much more can be earned with extra pagerank (assuming my rank goes up!!).
I have not blogged for cash for a while now, and that is mostly down to the lack of opportunities open currently. PPP opp's are snapped up really quickly nowadays, and I can't be bothered to wait around for the juicy adverts. Other schemes seem dismally quiet and have remarkably few opp's, and even then I find some of the opp's are not the sort of thing I want to support anyway. I don't promote gambling or plastic surgery... I have even seen opp's for escort agencies, which I won't do either... there was decent offer from Creamaid, but the subject was female fashions and I couldn't get in touch with my feminine side sufficiently to bring myself to create a post for it.
I wonder if the thrill of being paid to blog is wearing off for me?
I am sure a new improved pagerank will change all that - leave me a comment if you have the inside track on when page rank will be updated.


Anonymous said...

I went a little bonkers this month with the posting - I think I am going to lay back for August and just ride the wave. I'm tired of blogging. LOL

Linky Love said...

Am really getting what Ellie is saying, amd then I didn't write those boob augmentation posts yet :-)

Gosh, if you with a PR of 2 don't get opps Jay, then me not going to tell my sob sob story with my PR :-)

Jay: interested in a blogroll exchange: add mine in a post on yours and vice versa and see who's linking to us, following the idea: a friend of a friend might be another friend :-)

jay said...

Hello Ladies
I also get where you're coming from Ellie... OK Linky, that seems like a reasonable idea... I need to make up a blogroll then??

stratz said...

hey you don;t post as much as rachel so its all good. She has like 6 new posts a day.. Thats her style.. I am sure you will get back into it after all stella got her grove back. Don;t give up we started close to the same time I think. let see who makes it first to making 1k a month..

jay said...

I don't know how she does it... I need to find something less labour-intensive to earn $1k a month. I would favour building more web sites with passive earnings - that's my style ;)

Male said...

I like building websites with passive earnings and minimal effort to maintain and manage. User-generated content can be great, but it's definitely time-consuming to moderate!