Thursday 1 April 2010

March 2010 Earnings

Back with a bang this month after a very welcome boost from Adsense (accounted for here under 'Cass2CD' which is the source of most of my Adsense earnings). Very steady figures from paid to blog which is basically PayU2Blog, and not much else. Out-goings were low, so most of the earnings are retained and will go towards the new hosting package I keep talking about.
I thought I might be selling a domain this month which would have made a big difference....maybe next month...


Badet said...

I really wanted to join Payu2blog but my 2 blogs can't be approved. I tried several times... =(

Rachel said...

I am glad that your earnings are up a bit this month. It may not seem much but it adds up. PayU2Blog is definitely a good earner and is now, for me, the only pay to blog site I use.