Monday 30 April 2007


Good News today! Not only did I get a referral for a conversation in Creamaid, but I got TWO referrals... More about this when I post earnings for this month. On top of this I have been accepted for PayPerPost, which is great news - I have yet to find a suitable offer, but I hope to get more active with PPP soon. As you will be aware from the buzz, Page Ranks have been allocated - I have a PR of 2 on this and my other blog, and the rank on my website has gone from 2 to 3. Overall, I was not disappointed until I realised how many more opportunities I could have blogged for in PPP if I had one more Page Rank point...
I have spent the last weekend devising a new heading banner for Munny4Hunny (hope you like it!), adding a search list at the top of the sidebar, a new time-widget, and general tidying up - I also did a quick mini-banner, but it really needs some work...
Next post will be earnings, then the quest to make May profitable begins in earnest...

On a different tack, if you need a laugh today......take a look at this (If only all mankind could have as much fun today as this little fellah is having!)

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