I love my Android 'phone, and I especially love free Android apps... I'm not really an 'early adopter' because I don't have money to burn, but I am comfortable with new technology, and happy to wait for that technology to become affordable before I plunge in.
My current 'phone is a Sony Ericsson Xperia - it's not a very new model and is not upgradable to the latest version of Android, nonetheless I am really happy with the performance and features. I don't use vast amounts of apps, but I figured I could blog about some of the ones I use regularly as a way of returning the favour of free use of the apps.

CamerAlert is the latest app that I have downloaded, I searched Android Market for 'speed camera', and this app came up at the top of the search results and had 5 out of 5 stars and great reviews. I duly downloaded and tried it out. I already have a Sat-Nav app that came ready-loaded on the 'phone, so I wondered how this would work in conjunction, thankfully it seamlessly works either as a standalone or in the background of the Sat-Nav software. If the Sat-Nav is on, the warnings come up on the Sat-Nav screen and there are audio alerts. The audio alerts can be a bit tedious, so when using as a stand-alone, I prefer to turn the volume right down.
As a stand-alone, there is a map on the screen that follows your route, and there are icons to identify the location of fixed and mobile cameras. If you register for the latest (paid) version., there is a feature for reporting new cameras that aren't identified by the database.

The stand-out feature for me, was that the software identified an 'average speed' monitored section of the motorway - when entering the zone, two speeds appeared on the screen, one being my current speed (which is normally there) and a second one indicating my average speed over the duration of the monitored section. This is a great feature as I have often wondered about how you are supposed to monitor your average speed.
You can get the latest database by paying £19.99, but for my purposes I don't think I would use it often enough to justify the expense. Even as just the free version, this app is very impressive, and if I was doing more driving, I think it would be £20 well spent to upgrade to the full version with the updated database.
Along with the other users who rated this app, it gets a firm 5 stars from me too.