Tuesday 8 April 2008

Spring Cleaning

It's that time of year again..time to grab your microfiber mops and sweep the place clean. In fact I am also decorating at the moment, so the mops, brooms and dustpans are seemingly following me around the house as I create the mess for others to clear away...
Spring heralds new life, more daylight hours and a new willingness to create change and cleanliness all around us. On the other hand it snowed quote a bit today, so maybe hibernation is not such a bad idea after all...


Rachel said...

Can yo come and spring clean my house!! I am in that type of mood too - I have decided to throw one thing away( or recycle or donate) each day. Yesterday it was a two year old ebay magazine and today some plastic boxes which might have been useful but never were!

jay said...

Throwing out is good therapy, this advice is not extended to small animals, children or spouses...