Tuesday 12 February 2008

The DOT COM experience

Having the Dot Com has concentrated my mind on trying to get the best I can out of this blog and consequently I have instigated some subtle design changes to reflect the new attitude I have towards the blog. If you choose to use your own domain within 'blogger' there is a warning that tells you that will need to be using a standard template. I must have made some changes to my header that did not conform to this standard template, and it took a lot of work to restore the header and it still isn't how I would want it - I have also noted that other 'edits' I have done to the template are now gone, so some 'fiddling' will be required. If I really want to take this any further and regain control over the blog, my next logical step would have to be to take the blog onto a wordpress platform.
To be honest I am not ready to move the whole platform, so I am going to tinker with the blogger site until I can get it as near to how I want it to be. If anyone else is thinking of going Dot Com, then I would urge you do do it now especially if you have dropped PR recently as I think this might be a good way of responding to the 'Google slap' and it's possible that the new domain might not attract the same negative response as the old one did.
With this in mind, it is pretty imperative that I spend some time 'weeding out' references to paid posts and sponsored posts and the like... so that this new domain has the best chance of being given a PageRank as possible. I am happy with the layout for now, so will concentrate on cleaning up the blog in an attempt to comply with new Google PR criteria as far as I can guess what it might be.
As far as the Go-Daddy hosting is concerned (thanks to the Hot Dog Man for the heads up on Go-Daddy), they offer a free holding page edit program and an advanced 'Website tonight' feature which is basically a free 5-page website hosting included with your domain - what a great way to start on the internet, a whole 5 page website for the cost of a domain - $7...
Having this feature has enabled me to make a page that redirects any visitors to 'http://munny4hunny.com' straight to 'http://WWW.munny4hunny.com' using a javascript redirect. NB. blogger doesn't allow you to point both versions of the URL at your blog and the received wisdom is that you should use the 'www' version on your blog and use a redirect on the version without the 'www'.
I now feel more inclined to post at least four or five times a week if not daily, and may even go as far as having regular features... all this fresh attitude inspired by having the dot com is the perfect antidote to losing the Pagerank - It's time to fight back....

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