Thursday 21 June 2007

posting in advance blogging tips

See my previous hints and tips on blogging, I think this subject deserves a second post...

I am continuing with the policy of posting in advance - I have a creative half-hour where I am centered on the task in hand and can come up with ideas to post on my blog. I use this time to start posts with just a sentence or two and then save them as a draft - I write quickly using bullet points as reminders and half-finished sentences, then come back to finish them off when I have more time, but am not feeling so creative...
A few pointers then if you do this -

DO remember to adjust the date and time of your post, or they may all appear apparently out-of-sequence on your blog when you press the 'publish' button.

DO make sure that your sketchy notes make sense when you read them back otherwise you might be wasting your time.

DO run a spell-check before you post to make sure that you spotted all the errors you made when you were typing too quick!

In the last two days I must have completed seven or eight posts which will stand me in good stead when I am pushed for time and the creative juices have run dry. It's like you just filled up the tank with fuel to last you for a week or so....


MHJ said...

Good suggestions!

If you use Firefox, you can use the inline spell checker to help you get rid of spelling errors.

Also, there's a great plugin, called Signature, that you can use to add in commonly used text, such as your PPP button.

jay said...

I use FF all the time now and I like the fact that it flags up spelling mistakes for me. Good idea for the signature...