Earnings (potential) for May were $187.54 in total - my initial target was just $100, but at mid-month, I was hoping to be able to double that figure. I came fairly close, but found it difficult to take opportunities on PPP in the last week as everything seemed to be taken - possibly due to the new policy of holding opps open once 'accepted' for 6 hours. This means you need to get in at the start of an opp - or be VERY lucky and just catch an opp after it becomes re-available. I have 'simplified' my spreadsheet by taking out the 'payout date' as this is not necessary. I have only included 'accepted' posts, so I do have a couple of 'pending' jobs which would have taken me over the $200 mark, but will go into next months earnings once accepted. My overall earnings (since January) are $241.99, but of that total only $119.09 has actually reached my Paypal account at this point - most schemes pay after around 30 days, though a couple of schemes (Smorty & Creamaid) pay quicker. You can see from the speadsheet on the left that whilst Smorty, Creamaid, Bloggerwave and Blogsvertise have paid everything outstanding, Payperpost has just started to pay out and Ciao surveys have yet to make any payouts. I have included the very small revenue that I get from advertising (bidvertiser and adsense) on my blogs and continue to list the minute earnings from my occassional activity on MyLot.
I have been updating total earnings in my sidebar on an almost daily basis, and will continue this practice - NB this will be total (potential + paid out) earnings on the left in PURPLE, and total paid out in RED on the right - these figures should not be added together...
Drop a comment if anything needs explaining - next month will have to be dedicated to linking to drive up page rank so that I can do this experiment again as a PR3 or 4 next time!!!
I'll be keeping a close eye on your blog in the next month as you focus on linking, because that is exactly what I need to work on build up my PR so that I can do some serious paid blogging in a few months.
I think I will have to spend some time linking in communities and leaving comments all over the place - I don't have a special strategy (yet)
One strategy is linking and reviewing Linky Love and have a look at my blast post :-)
Jay: why don't you buy a real domainname: it only costs 3 cheapest PPP posts and the rest of the year you have much more opps to choose from. That's my strategy, pagerank comes with age if you have a good blog.
Thanks to your free minibar, I got to know a new blogger using your minibar. Maybe you could make a blogroll: got my minibar, as chance is big they are on the same level as us :-)
Hi Linky
This project has always been about paid posts for free blogging. I understand the merits of a domain and may use one in the future.
I have done a few reviews for links previously and will pursue a couple of other linking methods which I will post about over the coming weeks as the strategy develops
You should spend eight bucks and get your own URL, then you wouldn't have to worry about the "blogspot.com" restriction.
I am aware of that, but having a free domain is central to my study of what can be earned via the web without investing a cent.
I have sites that I have considered using, if I genuinely wanted to earn a second income from this type of activity I would certainly use a domain - so far this is an experiment - if I find that I can acheive PR4 and that I could make let's say a regular $500 a month, I might switch from the 'hobby' aproach. Right now, I don't have to justify the investment - hey this is turning into a post...he he he - I'm gonna copy this and save it in 'drafts'..
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