Monday 27 September 2010

Male pattern baldness

There comes a time in every mans life when he has to face up to hair-loss, and make a decision as to what he will do about it. I decided to go the frugal route and bought myself a hair trimmer - Every month or so I sit out in the garden and shave off my flowing locks - it saves me a fortune in barbers fees, and keeps my hair from looking unkempt or uneven. I would not really consider having 'something done about it' as I consider male-pattern baldness to be entirely natural for males, hence it is called 'male pattern baldness'! For those who are particularly traumatised by this natural consequence of being male... there are all sorts of 'treatments' one can embark on. The least intrusive of those is hair loss shampoo, at least it doesn't involve the use of a scalpel and the loss of significant amounts of hard-earned cash...
Of course, baldness is not always male-pattern and may come before it's proper time, in which case it may indeed be quite distressing. Recent trends accept baldness far more readily than a few decades ago, nevertheless not everyone is prepared to get the trimmer out...

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