Friday, 24 September 2010

Addicted to eBay...

I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time on eBay lately, I guess I just can't resist a bargain! Yet if I didn't keep going back to it, I could save myself a fortune!
This is the perpetual trouble with 'bargains' - you have to spend in order to make the savings, I have a whole host of bargain purchases, but my Paypal account has been completely empty for weeks, not only that, but the latest purchase had me transferring funds from my credit card!!
I am breaking all my own rules on frugal living lately and my credit card balance is ballooning as a result.
I must resolve to actually ensure that some funds trickle from my Paypal account into my 'real' bank account rather than the other way around. Generally I am pretty good at ensuring that my internet purchases do not impact on my 'real' money, but lately I have found myself drawn into a bit of a spending spree.
I have some stuff I need to sell, but have not yet got around to - I even have some small bids on things now, even though my Paypal fund is at zero (fortunately I have some pay-days coming up). Even though I am fairly well practised in the art of frugal living, it is still very easy to revert to bad habits. Every so often I remind myself of how hard things have been and I hope that is enough to make me see that if I don't keep things under control, that hardship will have been in vain.
I promise myself that in the few remaining months of the year, I am determined to make an impact on my small but growing debt...

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