Tuesday, 16 March 2010

What is your goal?

I am not that good at setting goals, and tend to more or less bumble along hopefully gaining more experience and knowledge as I go. Of course, with internet ventures, especially when you are trying to supplement or replace your current income, goals are vital.
My current goals are to establish a better website hosting scheme for which I need to save up some of my earnings and be prepared to invest. It's a no-brainer really as I think I can easily get a far better deal than what I am paying now for far less money and with far more features such as unlimited domains etc... all under the one scheme.
I have other goals, two of which are for developing and expanding/improving current projects, and one which is for developing what I am calling a new 'product'. I also plan to radically change one of my websites by switching to a Wordpress theme once I have sorted out the new hosting.
My plan is to host my current sites under a single hosting plan and to keep all my domains managed by GoDaddy, as I find their prices keen and they seem to be really good at what they do.
I hope to have a web portfolio that makes a lot more sense and is a lot easier to manage by the end of this year. I also hope to be able to raise my earnings, but hopefully that will follow...

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