Monday 20 April 2009

Paid Discussion forum

I have posted about MyLot before and having reached my third payout, I felt it was high-time to write a bit about this paid forum once more.
MyLot is built as a forum where questions are asked and everybody in the community can answer, anybody (including the questioner) can then respond to the responses and some of the discussions can get rather involved.
There is a pleasant community spirit around most of the site, but occasionally arguments can break out as there is limited controls on responses. There are the normal rules on language used and usually anyone that goes too far gets reported and it is not unusual for entire discussions to be removed from time to time.
Now the crucial part is the fact that you get a few cents each time you post a valid response (as long as the discussion does not get deleted), and in general, if your response is not complete nonsense and takes up at least four lines of text (precise definition is not clear) you will qualify for a small payment. Payout is at $10 and it takes on average 300 responses to reach this level (depending on the 'quality' of the responses).
My feeling is that if you are looking to purely make money, then the effort-to-reward ratio is low - However, if you are likely to enjoy getting involved in what is a largely friendly forum, then why not get involved in one that is going to send you $10 every so often??
The payment scheme also takes referrals into consideration which makes the whole earning process rattle along at a much faster rate. I am not great at getting referrals and have had a total of just three, one of which has remained active and now contributes to my earnings on a regular basis. Having active referrals makes MyLot a far more viable earner than when you are just earning from your own posts, and if you are good at getting referrals MyLot may be a welcome boost to your online earnings.

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