Sunday, 31 January 2010

January Earnings

At last!
I have completed my new reporting spreadsheet and I have a good report to share as my first of 2010, and the first in the new format which includes ALL my internet earnings not just blog earnings as previously. Also, to make the spreadsheet even more true to life, these are not potential earnings racked up in this month, they are actual amounts received, sometimes for activity within this month, sometimes for activity from the previous month or more.

I have included receipts and outgoings so that profit can be calculated, and this month has yielded a profit of £156 - note that I am also reporting in £UK instead of USD as previously.
Income was made up of £49 from blogging and £123 from my 'cassette to CD' site, outgoings are all from the cassette to CD activity.


Linky love said...

Hi Jay,

no more further breakdown in the earnings?

Have a great day :-)

jay said...

No, I will talk in general terms about where the income comes from in the monthly report, but it would get too complicated to include ALL income AND do a breakdown for everything...