Tuesday 3 March 2009

February 2009

A return to recent good form, with a little over $110 this month (having turned $100 down!), also been paid by Adsense recently, a good portion of this now comes from blogs. I am experimenting with ideas for publicising blogs and getting more traffic organically trying to do it in an informed, smart way!
I am having some success getting attention to my credit crunch blog, especially with being able to post about current events and link in with forums and other social sites. My latest post has been about Sir Fred Goodwin's pension. I am running a poll to see how many people I can attract to the blog to vote on whether Sir Fred should be allowed his £700,000 pension at the age of fifty.
I ran a similar poll on another blog, but didn't really make the effort to attract visitors, I am making a bit more effort with this one and so far, it has paid off.
Having blogsvertise back on line has allowed me to add some revenue to the steady earnings from PayU2blog, but the spreadsheet tells the full story...


Anonymous said...

Could you tell me a bit more about MyLot? I've not heard of them before. Are they a ppc/ppv? Or a PPP?


Anonymous said...

It's a forum where you are paid per post/comment/discussion - I will add a link in the left-hand column as referrals are useful :)
You don't make much at it, but if you are going to post in forums anyway, why not get paid a few cents for doing so... Seriously if you are looking for a 'money maker' MyLot is not what you are looking for!