Monday 2 June 2008

New Blogger features

Every so often it's worth lingering on the blogger dashboard page to read about the new developments - this can be a rich source of things you didn't know your blogger blog could do. Over time, the blogger coders work hard to bring us the kind of features that are available on other platforms.
The last important announcement was the future posts feature, this week I noticed that there is a new optional feature on it's way - Star Ratings... At the moment a glitch has accidentally enabled this feature on some unsuspecting blogs and an explanation has been posted here...
Seems like there is star rating feature on the way that will allow your blog to carry a rating... yet another thing to display, but seems like it could be useful if only for making you feel better about losing your PageRank.... this has currently been disabled whilst they sort the glitch out.
I am interested to see how this will pan out, presumably we will be able to rate the blogs that we visit as good bad or mediocre.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

This seems like a good feature as long as you are confident that your blog will score highly. I am not sure whether I am daring enough to put it on my blogs!