Thursday 5 June 2008

Attaining the goal

Sports awards, Sales performance or Pop-quizzes - all of these traditionally have rewarded their winners with engraved plaques and trophies - I have a stack of sports awards from when I was at school - pity there were no academic awards to go alongside them...
Nowadays, the awards are that much smarter with better graphics, holograms and moving parts. With the encroachment of the computer into all things graphical, the latest trophies are somewhat different to their predecessors.
Why not set your own goals in whatever area you want to achieve - when you reach those goals, reward yourself... Your reward may be something you can enjoy here and now (chocolate, bottle of wine...), something you have yearned for (iPod, HDTV...) or you could even buy yourself a trophy to place on a shelf to remind you of your achievement...

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