Friday 16 May 2008

Appeal for help in Beverly Hills

Every so often, the internet in general and the blogging community specifically is able to make a difference to individuals. I hope someone will be able to help with the following appeal:

A sufferer of a treatable condition needs accommodation nearer to Mt Sinai Hospital in Beverly Hills. This lady has a form of Leukemia which cannot be cured at the moment since she is pregnant, she has sent an email to a service that normally offers a home exchange vacation service to see if there is anyone who can help - read the full story here...

Knowing how good the world-wide-web can be at getting the word around, I thought I would do my bit to highlight this family's plight... Perhaps others would like to pick up on this story and see if we can help to get a resolution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for publicising Leslie's need for a place to stay near the hospital. Your support is much appreciated.