Saturday 26 February 2011

New Blogger Templates

I finally took the plunge and have converted two more blogs to the new templates...
Three of my 'blogspot' hosted blogs are now using the new templates. I have taken the "if it ain't broken..." approach, and as 'munny4hunny' is the blog I do the most work on, I have left the design side of it alone..for now...

I have given a facelift to the following sites:

Beckham News - in time for the start of the new MLS season
The Credit Cruncher
Travel Blog

I have been inspired to put up some new posts too, so the whole exercise has worked out quite well. There is another blog that could do with some new content and a facelift too, but it is quite tricky to keep five blogs updated on anything other than a very sporadic basis.
I have found that the new templates are not always directly compatible, so some widgets may need to be rearranged, but on the whole the experience has been smooth and very effective. Making design changes is much easier and the scope of elements that can be incoporated into the design is considerably expanded.
There is still the danger that your blog may look very similar to someone elses, but with a bit of work, you can still exercise your own creative flair - and the combinations are certainly more varied than before. Thumbs up to blogger (still going to seriously explore WP one day though!)

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