Sunday 16 January 2011

Forehead wrinkles

Since age started to catch up, I have noticed several symptoms all coming at once. These include a certain thickening around the middle, a few tiny grey hairs, some age spots and forehead wrinkles. To be fair, like most men, I am not to concerned about showing my age, as that distinguished look works well for men (so I am told). I have even recently started wearing glasses, and have no qualms about that either - rather that than stick bits of floppy plastic in my eyes!

Of all these symptoms, it is the wrinkles around my eyes that I think age me the most, and the receding hair-line of course. I can handle the hair with my trimmer, but I think I am stuck with the wrinkles unless I start using some sort of preparation on my face. I don't think I am quite ready for treatment yet either via a bottle or via the surgeons knife..

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