I have always preferred natural linen products over polyester mixes as I find them far more cooling to the skin and comfortable either to wear, or to sleep in.
Although linen is supposed to be difficult to launder, I happen to think that the benefits of materials such as matouk far outweigh the difficulties. I never wear anything next to my skin that is not 100% natural cotton because the comfort it affords is far superior in my opinion, to any other fabric. I also insist on natural bed linen for exactly the same reason - a personal nightmare of mine is to stay in a hotel that has polyester sheets on the bed , as I can guarantee that I won't be able to sleep in it.
Friday, 28 January 2011
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Blogging pains
I got a bit of a shock the other day when one of my blogs suddenly stopped being displayed. I don't know what the problem was, but it seems that it's back up again now - but I took some drastic action and exported the whole thing into a new site....
I figured it would be possible to export the blog and sure enough there is an export function in the settings. It downloaded an XML file to my PC. I started a new blogger blog and uploaded the XML file - all my posts were live and intact. I copied over some of the sidebar content and activated one of those new blogger templates that have been around for a little while now.
I am VERY pleased with the way it turned out. In the settings, I simply entered the 'dot com' domain that I wanted this blog to use, and because the domain was already 'pointing' at the blogspot servers, it instantly identified the new site.
I have always been in the habit of hacking some of the template settings, and I have yet to see what changes I need to make in the HTML editor, but my overall first impression of the new blogger templates has been very pleasant. They are quick and easy to edit, apply themselves very quickly and give very pleasing results. If you want to see the facelifted blog, feel free to visit my 'reallytraveling' travel website.
I figured it would be possible to export the blog and sure enough there is an export function in the settings. It downloaded an XML file to my PC. I started a new blogger blog and uploaded the XML file - all my posts were live and intact. I copied over some of the sidebar content and activated one of those new blogger templates that have been around for a little while now.
I am VERY pleased with the way it turned out. In the settings, I simply entered the 'dot com' domain that I wanted this blog to use, and because the domain was already 'pointing' at the blogspot servers, it instantly identified the new site.
I have always been in the habit of hacking some of the template settings, and I have yet to see what changes I need to make in the HTML editor, but my overall first impression of the new blogger templates has been very pleasant. They are quick and easy to edit, apply themselves very quickly and give very pleasing results. If you want to see the facelifted blog, feel free to visit my 'reallytraveling' travel website.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Green Cleaning Supplies
One person taking a responsible attitude towards preventing the deterioration of the planet cannot make a significant impact. Even an entire nation would not be able to stem the tide of pollution, greenhouse gasses and general mis-management of the earths resources.
However, everybody can play their part simply through the use of cleaner fuels, green cleaning supplies, lower energy bulbs and energy-efficient appliances for example. Leading by example, the various governing bodies of the world have a duty to promote goods and services that prolong life on this planet.
In the UK for example it is now virtually impossible to find a bulb that is NOT low-energy, many common sizes sell for a fraction of the cost of a 'old-school' bulb. These are the kind of initiatives that will help us all to preserve the planets resources for generations to come.
However, everybody can play their part simply through the use of cleaner fuels, green cleaning supplies, lower energy bulbs and energy-efficient appliances for example. Leading by example, the various governing bodies of the world have a duty to promote goods and services that prolong life on this planet.
In the UK for example it is now virtually impossible to find a bulb that is NOT low-energy, many common sizes sell for a fraction of the cost of a 'old-school' bulb. These are the kind of initiatives that will help us all to preserve the planets resources for generations to come.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Oxycontin Detox
It is already a long-established fact that pain-killers, when taken for a sufficient length of time may prove addictive. Those who have a high propensity to become addicted, may find themselves dependent after taking prescription drug or strong pain-killers following an injury.
This has become enough of an issue for special clinics to be set up just to carry our procedures such as oxycontin detox. Helping those people who have become dependent on their medication to kick the habit.
This has become enough of an issue for special clinics to be set up just to carry our procedures such as oxycontin detox. Helping those people who have become dependent on their medication to kick the habit.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Polaris Sportsman ATV Parts

Looking for Polaris Sportsman ATV Parts or parts for any other ATV/ quad bike?
There is no doubt that the internet has created a truly global economy where end-users rarely have to deal with local dealers who add their own cut to their prices. In many cases, we can now deal direct with the manufacturers, or a main dealer rather than a local outlet who may be four or five rungs down the distribution ladder.
This bodes particularly well for small businesses who intend to offer refurbishment and repair services in their locality. There is a service local to me that offers repair of quad bikes and can also make your ATV road-legal. The proprietor is able to import the parts himself at trade prices without having to deal with expensive middle-men.
Friday, 21 January 2011
More affiliate news... I love affiliates because they are part of my favourite online earnings group: 'passive' earnings - you stick 'em up and just wait for the money to come rolling in.
Of course, it's not that simple, your affiliate banner needs to be well-placed - on a relevant site with relevant content that your 'punter' can easily find. You need to be working your niche, and find ways to drive traffic...but that's it in a nutshell. I don't pretend that traffic is easy to find, but there are a myriad of ways to get traffic - but of course I am not going to give away too much.
The reason that I am not giving tactics away is that I have been moderately successful promoting one of my domain registrant services 1and1 internet (see the banner below). Since putting this banner up (not the one below, another one elsewhere) I have had about 4 small payouts which probably covers the cost of the domains that I have registered with 1and1...
The reason it is so easy is that 1and1 actually offer great deals (honestly) I don't have to try and persuade anyone, this is an affiliate that sells itself. To my mind, the best affiliates are ones that you have signed up to yourself.
Of course, it's not that simple, your affiliate banner needs to be well-placed - on a relevant site with relevant content that your 'punter' can easily find. You need to be working your niche, and find ways to drive traffic...but that's it in a nutshell. I don't pretend that traffic is easy to find, but there are a myriad of ways to get traffic - but of course I am not going to give away too much.
The reason that I am not giving tactics away is that I have been moderately successful promoting one of my domain registrant services 1and1 internet (see the banner below). Since putting this banner up (not the one below, another one elsewhere) I have had about 4 small payouts which probably covers the cost of the domains that I have registered with 1and1...
The reason it is so easy is that 1and1 actually offer great deals (honestly) I don't have to try and persuade anyone, this is an affiliate that sells itself. To my mind, the best affiliates are ones that you have signed up to yourself.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Receipt Printer

Whilst most computer-users have access to a printer, when starting a business, it may be advisable to purchase a receipt printer.
This simple device will generate professional looking receipts as opposed to having to print out full A4-sized pages on a conventional office printer.
Some receipt printers can even print stickers for attaching to customer orders, statements or other paperwork.
Naturally, the initial outlay for a professional business receipt printer is more than you would pay for a domestic printer, but running costs are low and this sort of equipment creates the right impression for a working environment.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Trimedisyn is a supplement that is designed to be taken during preganancy. There are a lot of these type of supplements on the market, but trimedisyn has an impressive array of ingredients:
- COQ10
- Marinol DHA
- Ginger Root
- Inisitol
- Choline
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Epiduo Review
An epiduo review for you:
The Science Bit -
Epiduo contains:
Usage and side effects-
The Science Bit -
Epiduo contains:
- adapalene 1%
- benzoyl peroxide 2.5%
Usage and side effects-
- Retails at over $200
- Commonly used once a day
- Can cause irritation, redness, scaling, dryness, stinging - may be relived with moisturizing lotions.
- Seems to work for some people, but for others the side-effects neutralize if not negate the positives.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Make money online
The phrase to make money online can mean a variety of things depending on your perspective and your expectations. I am by nature probably slightly pessimistic with relatively low expectations, so for me, I am quite happy with the level of earnings I can make online. I am also not reliant on this income stream, it is just extra money for treats (munny4hunny...).
So, the question 'can you make money online' can elicit a number of different answers depending on who you ask.
The beauty of earning online is that it can be a voyage of discovery, and everybody takes a different path. You can't really discuss online earnings without referring to schemes that are 'packaged' to appeal to those who want to make a quick buck - my advice would be to ignore all those schemes, they will just charge you for information which is freely available (a lot of it on this blog!). Paradoxically, charging money for selling information of this kind is in itself quite a big online money spinner, but most of those doing it are pulling the wool over their customers eyes by not telling them that they don't need to pay for it. There is a certain irony in a scheme that promises you income, but actually only guarantees income for the one selling it.
So, the question 'can you make money online' can elicit a number of different answers depending on who you ask.
- At level 1, you will find those who have tried the 'get paid to click' or 'get paid to read emails' and discovered that only paltry amounts are available. [earning maybe $2-$5 a week]
- At level 2, you may find those who have invested a little more time and set up a blog for 'get paid to post' and maybe even affiliate marketing etc. [earning maybe $10-$20 a week]
- At level 3, you may find those who have set up websites to sell something directly or via a drop-shipper, or even have an eBay shop.[earning maybe $25 to $100 a week]
- Beyond that (I don't regard myself as beyond level 3 yet), you will find those with a bit more entrepreneurial spirit who have developed services that are accessed by hundreds or even thousands of online users.
The beauty of earning online is that it can be a voyage of discovery, and everybody takes a different path. You can't really discuss online earnings without referring to schemes that are 'packaged' to appeal to those who want to make a quick buck - my advice would be to ignore all those schemes, they will just charge you for information which is freely available (a lot of it on this blog!). Paradoxically, charging money for selling information of this kind is in itself quite a big online money spinner, but most of those doing it are pulling the wool over their customers eyes by not telling them that they don't need to pay for it. There is a certain irony in a scheme that promises you income, but actually only guarantees income for the one selling it.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Forehead wrinkles
Since age started to catch up, I have noticed several symptoms all coming at once. These include a certain thickening around the middle, a few tiny grey hairs, some age spots and forehead wrinkles. To be fair, like most men, I am not to concerned about showing my age, as that distinguished look works well for men (so I am told). I have even recently started wearing glasses, and have no qualms about that either - rather that than stick bits of floppy plastic in my eyes!
Of all these symptoms, it is the wrinkles around my eyes that I think age me the most, and the receding hair-line of course. I can handle the hair with my trimmer, but I think I am stuck with the wrinkles unless I start using some sort of preparation on my face. I don't think I am quite ready for treatment yet either via a bottle or via the surgeons knife..
Of all these symptoms, it is the wrinkles around my eyes that I think age me the most, and the receding hair-line of course. I can handle the hair with my trimmer, but I think I am stuck with the wrinkles unless I start using some sort of preparation on my face. I don't think I am quite ready for treatment yet either via a bottle or via the surgeons knife..
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Best Ab Workout
Since middle-age set in with a vengeance, I have been looking for the best ab workout that suits my lifestyle. I used to do sit-ups for fun when I was younger, but don't really find the time to do them nowadays. I am lucky in that I am fairly trim, so a good workout would probably keep me in good shape, but that six-pack of youth seems to have morphed into something akin to a bowl of porridge.
However, it's never too late, and I do quite a bit of strenuous exercise - I just need a bit more discipline to put a bit of shape back into my torso.
However, it's never too late, and I do quite a bit of strenuous exercise - I just need a bit more discipline to put a bit of shape back into my torso.
Friday, 14 January 2011
Digital SLR cameras

Often regarded as the perfect combination of 'old school' photography with new technology, digital slr cameras are now becoming more affordable.
I was always keen on photography as a youngster, and even had my own dark-room, but all the equipment I had was handed down, and I never had the money to by a single lens reflex camera.
I still have one of my old cameras somewhere, and I bought a digital camera about 7 or 8 years ago when they were still quite expensive. Since then it has stopped working and I bought a cheap replacement. Recently however, I was given a better camera, but still crave an SLR. I always check out the prices, and I am sure one day, when I have some disposable income, a digital SLR will be added to my collection.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Theater seating

Although I am not really ready to install theater seating in my home, I fully appreciate the cinema experience without having to leave the house. It all starts with a decent AV system, a set of surround speakers, and from then on you can write a blank check...
For many enthusiasts, creating the perfect theater experience in the home, takes a lot of research and inevitably soaks up a lot of hard-earned cash. Once you have started on the track of building the perfect A/V system, why not top it off with real seats designed to maximize the home cinema experience.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Still addicted to eBay...
When the majority of ones on-line earnings arrive via PayPal, it is just too much of a temptation to flick between PayPal and eBay all day... Rarely a day goes by now when I am NOT bidding for something or other. I have reached to the stage where I am actually disappointed if there is nothing in the 'bidding' section that I am not actually 'winning' - to the point where, if I have been outbid on something I immediately go and look for the same thing to bid on again....
I think a normal response might be to re-evaluate the situation and say 'OK, I won't be able to buy that within my price-range' - instead, I am continually bidding and being outbid in the vain hope that I will win the item. I suspect this is more of an automatic response, a desire to be constantly active in auctions than of a deep desire to purchase the given item.
You know how sometimes you see something and bid on a whim? well when I get outbid, the desire to have that item somehow increases, it is no longer a whim - it is a deep-seated desire to own that item. These are worrying signs that indicate to me that eBay and the pursuit of the unlikely bargain have (to some extent) taken over my life.
I am going to try and wean myself off - I am bidding (and winning) three items at the moment, when I am outbid (or maybe even win...), I faithfully promise myself NOT to bid on anything else for at least a week!
That way, I should be able to direct some funds into my own accounts rather than boosting the funds of PayPal and eBay...
Tuesday, 11 January 2011

The Wikipedia definition of surveillance is observation from a distance by means of electronic equipment, and it may be carried out by individuals, organisations or even on a national scale. Modern technological progress has made discreet 'observation' possible to everyone through deployment of affordable and readily-available cameras and recording equipment.
It is truly remarkable just how many hidden cameras are deployed on our streets, in stores and at other commercial premises. Decades ago, this type of activity was only open to large organisations, but increasingly has become available to everyone through reduced prices of electronic components, and the increasing influence of the internet in purchasing state-of -the-art equipment. In the meantime, police and local authorities have increased their coverage ten-fold over the last few years.
Domestically, a range of devices from multi-camera digital recording stations to cameras hidden in 'coke' cans, or other household items can be purchased for less than a hundred dollars - a small price to pay for household or small-business security. Installing good security equipment can lower your insurance premiums' also having a system that is visible to prospective intruders can in itself prove to be a very effective deterrent. Added to this, there is a certain amount of peace of mind to be had from knowing that your property (and even your family) is adequately protected.
Monday, 10 January 2011
How to buy acne treatments
If you want to know how to buy acne treatments, then there is plenty of advice online. Remedies for embarrassing conditions are often featured on the web, because site-owners know that internet-users will be far happier searching for a solution online rather than talking to a local chemist or even their doctor.
However, caution should be exercised when making any online purchases especially if there is medication involved. Ideally you should consult a medical practitioner before taking medication of any type, but if you choose to purchase online, ensure that you are fully informed about possible side-effects, and that you are purchasing form a reputable trader who has a publicly displayed physical address as well as an online store
However, caution should be exercised when making any online purchases especially if there is medication involved. Ideally you should consult a medical practitioner before taking medication of any type, but if you choose to purchase online, ensure that you are fully informed about possible side-effects, and that you are purchasing form a reputable trader who has a publicly displayed physical address as well as an online store
Sunday, 9 January 2011

There is something refreshing about January - the start of the calendar year, a time to evaluate the last 12 months and make plans for the year to come.
There is something optimistic about January, and more than any other time of the year, this is a great time kick back and formulate your strategies.
- What has worked over the last 12 months?
- What is falling away?
- What is up and coming?
- What new ideas can be exploited?
This is a mindset that we should be using all the time, but if it is a while since you last took this approach, then the New Year break offers an excellent opportunity to do so.
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Giving Up
New Year is a time for resolutions, but sometimes will-power alone is not enough, especially when it comes to giving up cigarettes. Nicotine patches have been successful over recent years, but there is a new innovation that is proving equally effective.
Electronic cigarettes are now widely available, and investment that could save you a lot of money in the long run if you have an expensive tobacco habit... The latest cheap starter electronic cigarette kit on the market even has a USB charging facility... They come in varying levels of nicotine so that you can gradually wean yourself off the drug.
Friday, 7 January 2011
A new era of frugality
For several years now, my family has been practising frugal living ever since we had our first child and began to rely on just my income to support our small family.
Internet income has helped to ease the tight spots, and specifically has enabled us to take the occasional holiday. It is not just holidays that have been sacrificed over the years, we don't eat out much or go to entertainment events like we used to when we had two incomes swelling the coffers.
I believe that what we have done is quite impressive, but maintaining the frugality is difficult as every so often, the frustration breaks out and money gets spent which is not easily covered by our reduced income. Maintaining living standards becomes increasingly difficult when wages are static, yet prices of household essentials are rising. Welcome relief arrived in the form of interest rates cuts which has meant significant spare income - however, I have taken the step of using this excess to overpay our mortgage. The reason I have done this is that eventually I know the interest rates will return to 'normal', and if we were to get used to spending this extra income, it would be painfully difficult, if not impossible to cut back when the rates begin to rise.
During the financial 'crisis', we have overpaid our mortgage to the tune of £3000 so far, this not only relieves the pressure of having an endowment mortgage, by reducing the principal rather than just paying the interest, the already low interest is falling even further.
The challenge for 2011 will be to maintain frugal living by minimising waste and maximising value whilst still trying to have as normal a family life as possible. Not everything we do is governed by tight purse strings, but lack of available funds certainly has an impact on much of our lives. Nevertheless, we believe that by living within our means now, we have a better future in store.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Glass tiles
I recently had to visit a builders merchants for some copper pipe, and whilst I was there I bought some plumbing fittings as part of a gradual bathroom upgrade. We still have some lead pipes under the bathroom floor that I would like to replace.
I also need to get a shower and then work out where I am going to fit it. I would be quite keen on glass tiles to separate off the shower, but I don't know if we have the room for it as I definitely want to retain the bath...
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Post-Christmas fallout
There is a ton of waste paper all over the house, some credit cards to be paid off and we are still waiting for some Amazon books to arrive - we must have just endured Christmas!
I actually bought quite a few books this year - I bought three for my wife, but decided to keep one of them for myself because I had flu and wanted something to read whilst confined to bed. I have already read one of the other two as well!
We also had a bit of a nightmare over Christmas and the kitchen had a burst pipe, one of the results of which was a damaged cookery book. The book was one of our favourites, so I immediately got on-line and found a bargain replacement - this is the one we are still waiting for...
Monday, 3 January 2011
Baby Carrier

I wish we had the benefit of a ergo baby carrier when our little one needed carrying around the place. We did borrow something similar, but it had seen better days and was not put together as well as this.
I am thinking this would make a fabulous gift for someone with or expecting a little one. It comes in a variety of attractive colours and can be worn either on the back or on the front. Most importantly... it's washable.....
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Military Knives

If you're the outdoors type you will be interested in the spyderco military knife from the Spyderco Store.
If you didn't get all you wanted in your Christmas stocking, you might want to get on-line and snag yourself one of these top of the line titanium knives to help you chop up your vegetables, or ward off a curious bear whilst camping in the woods. (Waving a knife at a bear is not actually a serious suggestion, although the 4 inch blade on the Spyderco could probably do a fair bit of damage!)
Earnings December 2010

Since I have started making significant amounts, it is all reported for tax too.
An Adsense payment and some affiliate income has boosted December to become the second best month of the year.
The steadiest income is from paid posting, the majority of which comes from PayU2blog, although every so often, I do get the odd opp from others companies.
Profitability for December was helped by a practically nil-spend. I am trying hard to limit spending, but it is very tempting when most payments arrive via 'Paypal' to then go onto eBay and buy lots of little things for myself and the family. In a way, this spending prevents me from feeling the need to spend hard-earned 'real' cash from my 'day-job' so I allow myself the indulgences. However, every so often I need to remind myself that the money could be better used paying off credit card bills, and am worried that the enjoyment of spending Paypal money is counter to the 'thrifty-living' philosophy that I have being living by since I became the only earner in the house.
At least my spending is relatively moderate, and this year we have once more paid a chunk off the mortgage by overpaying whilst the rates are so low. I have a feeling that interest rates are due to rise over the next 12 months, so the overpaying will have to be trimmed accordingly. Nevertheless, since the onset of the financial crisis, I think we have managed to pay off an extra £3000 off our mortgage due to the ridiculously low rates (we have a tracker mortgage which is only a fraction of a percent above base rate). Even if we have to stop the overpayments, the benefits of this boost to the mortgage should be significant in the longer run.
I am already churning over some new projects in my head and would like to create some quick and easy websites using some of my internet knowledge and experience which could turn into passive earners. With any luck, I will be reporting improved passive earnings next year - passive earnings are my favourite!
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Personalised cards
For years, specialised greeting card shops have been driving up the cost of greetings cards to a level that has got a lot of people making their own. Supermarkets have helped by bringing prices more into line with what people can afford, and to be fair, if I haven't got time to make a card, I will buy one from the local Supermarket.
However, for that special occasion, printed personalised cards can make an event extra special, and they don't have to be excessively expensive if you get them on-line. Whether you are looking for special invitations, baby shower thank you cards or some other sort of card - consider a personalised card to make a bigger impact.
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