Monday 3 March 2008

Looking back on February

February has been another slow month as far as paid postings go, with PPP dropping my IZEA 'realrank' to zero when I submitted my new '' domain to replace my 'blogspot' domain. This has made the site ineligible for any opportunities from the best income generator. Hopefully, when the domain is a bit older, the realrank will be reinstated. I have had no opps from blogsvertise since pagerank was reassessed, but smorty allowed me new opps on the new domain, and I had another 'sponsored review' opportunity. These opps are the bulk of 'blog earnings' for this month, the total being: $38.66. Fortunately, my online earnings are not limited to blogs and adsense earnings alone are not far behind the paid postings... On top of that the Christmas and New Year lull on other internet revenue seems to be over and I am starting to pick up other 'jobs' which are helping to swell the coffers - I am starting to consider more revenue lines to maximise passive earnings, but nothing comes without some hard work and there is always ongoing maintenance on existing sites to see to. This internet earnings lark can take up a chunk of your time - don't listen to those that say you can earn thousands for a few hours work per month - if you could, they would be putting in full time hours and making some serious money....
Well I've been earning for about 12 months using blogs and did not quite make it to $1000 - Grand total for a years blogging has been $826.29 - let's see what can be done in another 12 months, I'll need to be back up and running with PPP first though...


MHJ said...

Congrats! You are really doing great so far and I am really proud of you!

I had to leave "making money online" alone, especially after I got that 1099 from PPP. LOL

Rachel said...

Well done on nearly making £1000 in the year. I found my first year to be the hardest - this is my second month of my second year and things are going great. I hope same happens for you.