Thursday 27 March 2008

Getting out of Debt

I have posted on debt and controlling your finance on several occasions as it is a subject that I feel quite strongly about. In many cases a few adjustments to spending patterns should be sufficient to bring finances under control and make them manageable. However, the longer we go on spending without budgeting, the worse the problem can get until an exterior solution is required. When things have reached the point where even with strict self-imposed controls, the interest you are paying is pushing your spending beyond the reaches of your income, it may be time to consolidate debt. Debt consolidation is basically a loan that will cover your existing debts under one account. This loan effectively pays off the individual debts that you have leaving you with a single payment which is hopefully within your budget. If you are considering this route, please note that this does not mean you can carry on spending more than you earn otherwise you will end up in even worse trouble. This type of step must be only undertaken if you have reached the point where you are ready to change your spending habits for the better.
Using a service like No Debt Today allows you to get a free consultation to discuss your debt problems and find the best way out of them. This website is clearly laid out, easy to understand and provides helpful advice about debt. Any expert can tell you that you need to pay off the most expensive debt first, but how do you work that out? No Debt Today will take care of working out the best approach to get you debt free at your pace.


Rachel said...

I hink debt consolidation is good for some people but it can be a more expensive option in the long term. If you can manage to pay back the debts without consolidating then you should.

LiVEWYRE said...

I think budgeting early on is the best policy - consolidation is, as you say, an extreme measure