Saturday 16 March 2013

Update March 2013

As the end of the financial year approaches, I have yet to update my earnings for the last few months, but I am aware that they will be lower than the last couple of years. There has been a noticeable drop in paid blogging opportunities, but to be fair, I haven't had the time to pursue some of the avenues that I would normally use, and some opps have lapsed before I have been aware of them. This is mostly due to the increased pressure of day-time work and is no bad thing as I have been paid to reflect those demands on my time.
I am pretty much decided to let go of one of my blogs, and am prepared to cut back on posting to others - I expect to maintain munny4hunny as the 'flagship' of my blogs and the regular earner. I am also aiming to do some WordPress work when the opportunity presents itself.
On the frugal living front, I have let the credit card run away with me and really need to start looking at ways of curbing spending - I have asked for a raise at work, so hopefully there will be an improvement in disposable income which will allow me to pay off some debt. I am currently looking for another 0% interest credit card, as my last one has just run out and is starting to charge interest again.
I am also considering buying the company car that I use, this will save me a load of tax, but will also incur a lot of running costs. We really like the car as a family vehicle, so this would be the only way we could afford to buy a car like this realistically.
Also have a few 'toys' to put onto eBay including one of my refurbished laptops - this has been hanging around for ages, just need to get motivated, and I am hoping that I will be able to get it done this weekend.

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