Friday 22 March 2013

New Credit Card

I have been pretty bad at sticking to the 'frugal living' plan lately having bought myself a few toys and treated the family a few times without worrying about the cost. This has resulted in a growing credit card debt rather than a diminishing one. I need to get back on the wagon again, and found that there are still loads of 0% credit card for transfers available. Of course the credit card won't pay off my debt, but at least I won't be paying huge amounts of interest. I am hoping to be a bit more diligent regarding expenditure, and am really hoping that my income will rise a little in the coming months. Online stuff has not been very fruitful lately, but then I have not been maximising because I have so little spare time (spent 24 of the last 48 hours in work..). The previous 0% deal that I had has now expired, I had brought the principle down considerably on this card because I don't spend on it - however the card I DO spend on has taken a hammering, so I have had to transfer a stack of debt from that one onto the new 0% deal. I am a repeat offender and I know it....

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