Monday 5 December 2011


I am counting down the days 'til my next appointment - should be Wednesday and hopefully, a cast that will allow me to drive again.. I have another batch of tapes to complete - only about 9 or 10 this time, but should be a nice bonus before Christmas...

I have booked some time off at the end of this week and the beginning of next for Christmas committments and a bit of Christmas shopping - this could all go pear-shaped if I don't have this cast taken off though...!

I am about half-way through Christmas shopping - all the easy ones are done, a couple of slightly tricky ones to get out of the way, then need to parcel everything up to go to my parents for distribution around the family. I hope to get all my Christmas cards done soon too. I have another laptop on eBay for a 7 day auction at the moment - this should help me draw even on the purchases I made, then it will be a case of getting a few repairs done and any sales I can make from the vast piles of spare parts I have left will be the profit. As I have said before, I have enjoyed the experience of laptop refurbishment, but would not recommend it as a business plan unless it could be done on a larger scale with a lot more time...maybe another idea for if I find myself out of work at any point in the future...

Next update on Wednesday!!

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