Sunday, 19 December 2010

Earnings Update

I am not far off finishing another year of internet earnings supplementing my normal wage, and I am going to make a slight change to my earnings report.
I have added another column giving me three distinct income streams and three distinct outgoing streams. I have added 'passive earnings' to my income, this is to cover contextual ads and fixed ads plus any affiliates that come in during the year. I have a few payments that didn't really fit into my previously rather 'narrow' descriptions of 'blogging income' and ' cassette to Cd conversions' - this additional column covers all other income including eBay Partnership which paid me recently, and Google Adsense which should pay me at the end of this month.
Outgoings remain as before
  1. PC equipment and web hosting costs
  2. paypal fees
  3. postage
...make up the three basic outgoing streams - an amended graphic with the new column will appear by the end of December - I have taken the new column as far back as April the start of the financial year.

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