Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Laptop or Desktop

As the laptops of today are considerably more powerful than their predecessors, I have been contemplating replacing my 'spare' PC with a laptop. Compared with a few years ago, current laptops are miles ahead of the previous generations, yet still lag a little behind desktops in terms of speed and memory capacity.
There are so many good laptop deals, that a laptop as an alternative is becoming more and more attractive.
I have a dual PC set up at home, where the second PC is my 'back up' in case of failure of my main system (a 'redundant' system for those who like jargon..). The PC's are used for different jobs, but in the event of failure, I can do everything I need using either one. For the future I would seriously consider a reasonably priced laptop as my back-up, whilst it may not be as fast as an equivalent-priced desktop, it would certainly provide me with my core requirements which are email/internet and FTP access.


Ellie said...

Hi! I use a laptop exclusively for my computing needs. Matter of fact, I only have used a desktop in the last 4 years if I was in a computer lab at school or at my mom's house. I don't do a lot of heavy computing, so a laptop is good for me.

I would suggest looking for markdown laptops or refurbished ones for good deals on prices and specs.

jay said...

I know you are a avid laptop user, you seem to be on the lookout for a new laptop every 6 months or so it seems - I reckon I can remember you posting about looking for new laptops at least three times since I've been reading your blog...
I use one at work all day and and can appreciate their usefulness, I have just never had one of my own..