Sunday 21 September 2008

More diet pills?

I wonder if you can actually get fat by eating too many diet pills??
The prime factor in using a weight-loss product is that it be confirmed as safe and that it comes with well-defined instructions and a full diet-plan explaining how it should be used just like alli diet pills. I would urge folks not to just listen to hearsay and then go online to make a purchase based on rumor, but to do some proper research and get some good medical advice before putting any medication into your system.
The Alli diet pill system website is clear about when NOT to take their pills and even gives a full run down of the side effects that you might experience.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I spoke to a chemist about using diet pills and they said that they were not really that good and you were much better off just sticking to a healthy balanced diet.