Sunday 28 October 2007

Turn-around week

I've had a good few days this week, I picked up a couple of jobs on my website amounting to about $150 over a couple of days - that was good enough, but then a remarkable thing happened... I have been moping for about four months over losing pagerank on my two blogs, but now it's back and better than ever!!
I went from PR2 to PR1 on this blog and PR2 to PR0 on another blog in June. That's a loss of 3 PR points over two blogs. Imagine my delight at getting a new rank of PR4 on this blog and PR3 on my other blog, making a gain of 6 PR points, and a net gain of 3 over where I was before. This will enable me to pursue what I had always intended to pursue, ie. my investigation of paid posting on a free blogspot blog - what's more I have two healthy blogs to do it with!


hotdogman said...

Congratulations! A PR 4 gets you access to posts in the $5-$50 range on PPP. I've made close to $2000 on PPP-not bad for a part-time job!

Good luck and HaPpY HaLlOwEeN.

hotdogman said...

OOPS. One more thing. Many PPP opportunities don't want URLS. Time for!

jay said...

If I go to a dot com now, I'll lose my PR4!!!
Good to hear from you again....