Saturday, 8 March 2014

Android Update

More and more I am finding that I am using my phone as a mobile gaming device - which is fine as long as it doesn't end up having adverse affects on normal working and family life. I note that the idea of giving up Facebook or some other online site or device for Lent is very popular this year - I don't really subscribe to the 'giving up for Lent' brigade, but it has brought to my attention just how time-consuming it can be when you have access to emails and games an social media 24/7.
I tend not to use my Android much whilst I am at work, there is not really the time because we are so busy - I tend to access games when the rest of the household has gone to bed and I am 'winding down', so it doesn't have an impact on family life (as long as I don't play for hours and lose essential sleep time). All-in-all I don't think it has a negative impact on these two significant areas (family and work), but I can see how it might with some personalities.
I am 'into' my games (currently I access four on a regular basis, two daily and two weekly) but will endeavour to ensure that they do not impact on 'reality' to any significant degree.

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