Sunday 13 October 2013


Hummingbird is the latest change to the search algorithm from Google search, but it's not a change to the ongoing algorithm like the Penguin Update and others, this is a NEW algorithm in it's entirety - starting from scratch.
You will read much speculation about how the new algorithm works, and if you are overly-concerned about this, really you have to ask yourself why. Ultimately Google search wants to be the best it can be at delivering accurate 'answers' to search queries. If your website serves it's niche well, and is full of relevant information, then whatever Google algorithm is used, it should rank your site in it's proper position. If however you are trying to somehow 'fool' or 'game' the algorithm, you are part of the web that Google is determined to weed out, and you may well find that you are edged out of search results.
I have no insight as to how the new algorithm prioritizes sites, but then I am no different to anyone else in the respect, these things are kept under wraps for a very good reason, they are Google's main asset of immense value to the company - they are not about to share the goods. However I do know that Google will want to prioritize 'good' websites that provide good information in a structured way, therefore if webmasters provide good content in a well-structured way, then they stand a chance of getting a good ranking.
Carry on doing what you are doing, provide good content and keep it up to date, add good content as regularly as you can - steer clear of anything that promises fast result in terms of Search Engine Result Position, and you won't go too far wrong.

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