Tuesday 10 April 2012

Year End

After I posted last months update, I realised that I need to post my earnings for the year as the new financial year begins in April and I need to finish off the accounts for the year just gone. I think my profit has been about the same as last year, but as I spent less, my turnover must have been quite a bit lower.
I will need to look at which areas have been less profitable and do a proper report, but my gut feeling is that there have been less paid posting opportunities this year for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the general economic downturn has affected advertising budgets, and secondly Google continues to seek out paid posts and punish them.
I have half-formed plans for other revenue streams, but with the emphasis on my 'day-job' and the home renovation plans, there has been even less chance than normal to flesh out these plans. No doubt once I have a shiny new office, I will be suitably inspired to begin the quest for domination of the internet in earnest...

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