Monday 23 April 2012

Rolling along

I am getting really busy now... just been away for the weekend, and got stuck into the painting of my home office as soon as we got back - first coat pretty much done - looks like it's gonna need a few more coats yet!
I have been buying broken laptops again...! Just put one together, but if I account for all the parts I used at 'eBay prices', I need to get at least £60 back to make it worthwhile - as it happens most of the parts I used to get this one going don't really owe me anything (they are mostly leftovers from other repairs), so maybe I would still make a bit of profit if I sold this one... Anyway, I guess I HAVE to sell it so I will just have to get whatever I can for it.
I reiterate that unles you can renovate laptops on a wholesale scale, it is probably not worth the effort...
There are more blogging opps coming in from all sorts of different directions at the moment, so it looks like there will be a bit of an revival in blogging earnings this month and/or maybe next month. I have had one more cassette to do, and have had a few other enquiries which is healthy - you can't guarantee to get a result from every enquiry, but at least if you get the enquiry, you know people are finding you...
I need to get my earinings for the tax year 2011-2012 sorted so that I can submit them to the tax-man, also I will do a post about my annual earnings fairly soon.. I will also post a few mosre pictures of the 'office' as it emerges from the dust and grime of the renovation project - particulalry excited about getting a new work-desk and shelving in there!

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