Friday 20 January 2012

Latest Progress

The first month has been a busy month for me off-line, and reasonably busy on-line too. I have completed a few cassette to CD conversions, and although paid-posting was very quiet, opportunities are just starting to appear again. I don't 'chase' paid posting as much as I used to, and often don't have time to follow up every opportunity.
For that reason, I was excited to hear about 'oxamedia' a service that posts dynamic ads similar to adsense, but after setting it up, I found that the button that is supposed to take you to a 'log-in' page to see the performance of your sites does not seem to work, and takes you to a 'page does not exist' error. My conclusion is that if one one hand the ads are working, but on the other, I cannot log in and therefore cannot see earnings (or be paid..), then it looks like an active scam to me.
I found another opportunity that seems to offer a service matching advertisers to publishers on a space 'rental' basis (more passive income..), but so far have not been able to work out whether it will be worthwhile.
In other news, my arm is on the mend, the cast came off three weeks ago, and although it is a bit painful and a bit swollen, I can use it pretty much normally. I managed to take a photo of the last X-ray, I have one more X-ray in about two weeks time as a final check. I marked on the X-ray where the break was, but it is fairly difficult to see much of the break in the photo.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It is a shame there are so many scam sites out there and we waste our time getting our hopes up and researching them. We need to keep looking for these opportunities though and I will let you know if I come across anything good. I hope things pick up for you soon.