Sunday 3 July 2011

Earnings June 2011

At first glance, June looks like a bad month, but when you look closer you can see I have bought some stuff! Without the expenditure, I would have reported a more respectable £113. The first purchase was a domain renewal, but the major purchase was a laptop. It was an eBay purchase and I got it for under £50 (excluding delivery). It has prompted me to think about possibly selling laptop parts on eBay, but I may post about that another time. In the meantime, I am very happy with my new purchase. I plan to move all my website building stuff onto the laptop as it is not really going to be suitable for the cassette to CD conversions that I do. I had some other audio work to do which accounts for the 'other' £25 earned this month. This was the poorest month for blog posts that I have had for a long time, so I am hoping that this will pick up in subsequent months.


Rachel said...

I had quite a poor month for blog posts too from payu2blog. Luckily I had some in from which made up for it!

Selling laptop parts on ebay sounds interesting - do lots of research first though.

jay said...

I have been tracking things on ebay for a few weeks and made a few purchases, we'll see how it goes.. I don't think it's too much of a risk