Monday, 13 June 2011

Frugality tip...

A 'first adopter' is one of those people who must have the latest gadget - amongst your friends they will have been the first to buy an enormous flat-screen TV and a Blu-Ray player, and then a Blu-Ray recorder. If, amongst your friends, the first adopter is you, then you are going to struggle with 'frugal living'...!
Being at the cutting edge of technology is a very expensive place to be, and although I am interested in all the latest gadgets, I definitely do NOT qualify as a first adopter... The frugal choice is to wait...and wait until the first adopters or even second adopters have moved on to newer toys, then buy their old ones from eBay.
Today's example is a bit extreme even for me... I have just (yes only just) installed a wireless network in my home (I am using it right now!). I have used the excuse previously that a wired network is faster and more secure - facts which cannot be argued. However in an unguarded moment the other day I bid £5 on a wireless router and won it for £2.70! The daft thing is I don't even own a laptop of my own (I use my works one at home sometimes). Anyway the point is that if you are prepared to wait, you can get some real bargains. Hard-drives are another example, today I bought a 1TB hard-drive from eBay for £25 including delivery - something that might have cost me twice as much six months ago.
'All things come to those that wait'
is my frugal tip for the day - that also applies to eBay auctions, sometimes you search for something for months before you find the bargain you were looking for (although to be fair sometimes it takes that long to learn that you are going to have to extend your budget to get what you want).

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