Friday 9 September 2011

Getting the priorities right

As we approach the anniversary of 9/11, we are reminded (or should be) that life is not all about what we can 'make' for ourselves, but much more about the connections we make with others through our lifetime. I don't know anyone who lost a friend or relative in the tragedy, but I do know people who were in New York at the time, and I recall distinctly first seeing the horrific images on the TV screen with growing incredulity that this could possibly be happening.
Unlike a natural disaster like the awful Tsunami and subsequent flooding, this disaster was deliberate and intended which is why it is all the more horrific.
In our current economic climate it is even more imperative that we all look beyond our short term well-being, and work towards a future that is politically and economically secure for the generations to come. It's all about engaging with society even if you don't agree with everyone, we can agree that we all want to make the future more secure, and go from there. The recent riots in the UK (actually there were similar events in other European cities), are about the opposite, promoting anarchy and disengagement with the established society.

Whilst revolution may be on some folk's minds, you only have to look at the recently blood spilled in Libya, Syria, Egypt and similar regions to know that revolution should be a last resort in a region where torture and murder of citizens occurs on a daily basis. For these people revolution was a self-defence mechanism, not an opportunity to grab an Xbox game from a broken shop window.

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