Wednesday 13 May 2009

New Ideas...

In the world of internet earnings, one often discovers that something works well for a season and then over time, becomes less effective - such is the nature of the internet as the only true democracy...
New ideas are the life-force of an internet venture, and if you don't have them, you may as well give up now. I do get the occasional idea, however seeing them through to fruition is a whole different matter - I am stuck into a new project at the moment, but am finding it difficult to give it the attention it requires. On the other hand, the 'old' online money making ideas are making less than they used to so some fresh impetus is required.
I am forming another idea about how to open up some new possibilities for munny4hunny, so watch this space...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Keep trying those new ideas, I have found the key to success is trying new things and ditching those that make no money any ore. Good luck with the new project.