Tuesday 8 January 2008

Getting started with a blog

I wish I had been able to find more information about blogging when I started doing this about 12 months ago. It was really just a case of trial and error as a newbie blogger and doing lots of research to get to grips with the concepts of the blogosphere. A helpful guide to starting a blog has been produced and posted at Livewyre.NET. The guide talks about what a blog is and how to set one up, the idea of blogging for free, having your own domain and monetising your blog. If you haven't already started a blog and you are interested, why not take a look at the helpful article?
Other items of interest at Livewyre include free software, website designing and SEO hints and tips along with making money online help.


Anonymous said...

Interesting Post, Thanks for the tips. I also like the buttons at the left of the blog, it replaces the usually header title and nav bar! Great job.

Again, Thanks for commenting on Bradblogging.com, I hope to see you back again soon :)

jay said...

Thanks for your kind comments Brad - I will be back to BradBlogging for more hints and tips

Jay a.k.a. 'Dat' said...

I couldn't agree with you more Jay! I think for the first two months of blogging, I was such a noob, then I started to take off a lot more.

But I found helping others and building a community is very good for all of us!

Jay (I mean, the 'other' Jay)

hotdogman said...

Happy New Year. Hope all is well across the pond.

Good article-wish I had it last year! I'll give it a mention on my blog.

I have followed your blog because we both started out about the same time. I took some of your advice along the way-classic case of the blind leading the blind!

Hope your PR has recovered and you can start being a top notch Link Ho again. I have become such a link ho myself, but I like the idea of making a decent part time income from my blog. I'm up to around $150/month with Adsense and if I post regularly about $500-700/month with PPP!

I've become a bit of a PPP snob as I won't accept PPP's for less than $10!

Happy Blogging in 2008!

jay said...

Good to hear you are doing so well, thanks for the kind words - you know I am a big fan of yours - I'll be over soon to leave my mark...