Wednesday 23 January 2008

Slow start to 2008

Another month is drawing to a close and the final few dollars earned in 2007 have filtered through to my Paypal account. I have been busy spending money (mostly on Ebay) to upgrade my PC - seems only fair as the PC has enabled me to earn the money in the first place. I can now rearrange my home office as I have a slick new flat screen, and work faster with an extra 1GB RAM, work with more files on a new 30oGB internal hard-drive, and store more data etc.. on a new internal DVD writer (I bought an external one too, but it has not worked as well as I would have liked).
Earning patterns have shifted somewhat since November when Google took a stick to the PR of most bloggers that I know.
Outside of blogging earnings, Adsense has been steadily climbing to the point where I earned more from Adsense than I did paid blogging in December. I have also hooked up with another fixed adverts (non-contextual) service who have paid me about $15 so far and will pay me $30 next month if all goes well. This is added to the $30 a month or so that I get for hosting other paid ads (not on a blog though I should add...). This month I have been paid my second ever payout by Adsense ($120) and am already half way to another payout...
I do not include any of the earnings in the above paragraph as earnings via blogging, so they are not counted as munny4hunny earnings except where the adsense is from a blogspot blog (of which I currently have three active). I will report earnings more specifically (and I must remember to update the earnings graphic) at the end of January. My first reported earnings were in March 2007, so I figure I have to do an annual summary at the end of February... It would be nice if I could report blogging earnings of $1000 for the first year, but I think I may fall a little short of that figure since paid blogging is difficult with no PR...


Anonymous said...

Sounds good! I have not earned any money since the PR update. :(

jay said...

I have done a bit - will go into more detail at the end of Jan..,

M said...

Hey, thanks for talking about my blog contest. Feel free to remove it. I feel bad for having to withdraw it. I may have one in the future on one of my new blogs. Hey, I have a question. I noticed on this site that you have a little image thingie for your site:

Under the "Top Listed At" category. How do you make those images. I remember coming across a site where I was able to make one, but I no longer remember.


jay said...

Do you mean the mini-banner?
Any graphics software can be used, they are usually about 82x18 pixels so you have to be smart about what will work in such a small space..
or serach for 'mini-banner on this blog for examples - I can make you one if you will host any two of mine...