I have managed to curb 'investments' this month, especially since the NAS system was a bit of a disappointment for the amount of money I spent, but I anticipate some spending on consumables next month to replenish stocks of CD's. I look forward to posting some decent figures for August, which will hopefully exceed this month's.
Saturday, 31 July 2010
July 2010 Earnings
I am declaring the best month of the year and the first significant earnings of this financial term (since April) at nearly £167. As you can tell from the figures, it is an upturn in cassette conversions plus contextual ads on my cassette to CD site, that has driven turnover this month. I am already working on cassette orders for next month, so expect good figures for August too. The Adsense payout is the first since March and accounts for a little over a third of the 'Cass2CD' earnings. I am still working on a project that I hope to launch in about a months time as I have some finishing touches to add and a little research and testing to do.
Despite the fact that I am undeniably getting older and developing wrinkles, I probably won't be putting prevera wrinkle cream on my shopping list. never mind the fact that I am male, nowadays, men are as much a target for cosmetics as women.
Neither is is because I feel it would be ineffective, after all it is not a particularly expensive product... It is simply because I am not concerned enough about wrinkles for me to take any measures to stop them. I understand that some folks are aghast at seeing wrinkles develop, personally, I embrace my wrinkles - although to be quite frank I am a bit less enamored with some of the other trappings of encroachingold age maturity such as aching bones and tinnitus... wrinkly skin I can live with...
Neither is is because I feel it would be ineffective, after all it is not a particularly expensive product... It is simply because I am not concerned enough about wrinkles for me to take any measures to stop them. I understand that some folks are aghast at seeing wrinkles develop, personally, I embrace my wrinkles - although to be quite frank I am a bit less enamored with some of the other trappings of encroaching
Making money online - the conclusion...
To conclude this latest 'Making Money Online' series, I just have a few observations to add to the different levels of income that I have talked about.
- Don't be limited to just one income stream - most of us start with one thing and then start to add other similar schemes to a 'portfolio' until we have about four or five income streams. the trick is being able to decide which streams are worth pursuing and which ones will not justify the time spent on them. The more eggs in your basket, the more income as long as those eggs are all active earners.
- Make good investments - It's good to start on-line earning without having to spend a cent, but at some time, when you are climbing the income ladder, you will have to make investments. Whether it be purchasing domains for blogs, or purchasing ready made web sites, ensure that your money is wisely invested. If you have played the 'minnow' and 'starter' schemes well you should have some money to invest, but be careful how you use it.
- Be original - Starting the next Facebook may be your dream, but the truth is that Facebook is already here, you will need to use some original thinking if you want to break through, or at least put a new twist on an existing theme. At all times stay true to yourself, if you are not comfortable with an online task, remember it's your choice -you are in control effectively working as a free agent.
- Put in some hard work - if you are not prepared to work, or do not have the time, then you may not be able to rise out of the 'starter' schemes, yet for many the income offered at this level is quite sufficient. Although you won't get far without some graft, few on their death-beds will be saying 'I wish I had spent more time on-line'. Work now, so that in time, you won't need to work so hard...
Friday, 30 July 2010
Summer jobs around the house
As the summer DIY jobs get under way (more paint stripping tonight), thoughts wander out to the garden - often referred to in our home, as the 'nicest room in the house'. Not because it is so beautiful... more because it doesn't need decorating!
Even your garden can be easily spruced up for little additional cost with discount landscape lighting and ornaments, furniture etc... We are planning to buy a garden swing-seat this year (or possibly next), one of those with a canopy so that you can gently swing in the sun without getting burned, drink in hand and BBQ gently sizzling away...
The only draw-back with 'investing' in garden furniture is that in the UK, we can't trust the weather to be consistent enough to justify it...
Making money online - the big fish...
As the final part of the 'make money online' series, I am going to talk about some of the directions you might ultimately pursue to realise the dream of making a living online. In some cases, I know individuals who are close to this dream, and each of them has done it through different means.
- Start your own 'paid to' site - If you have the right attitude towards on-line earnings, starting your own scheme can be a way to build your income to reasonable levels and beyond. When you have already tried 'paid to' for yourself whether it be paid to blog, or paid to sign up etc.. you will realise that the scheme is just a broker with a reasonably whizzy website....
- Mail order business - Find your retail or service niche, whether you convert cassettes to CD's (as I do) sell books, remote fixing of computers or anything else.. play to your strengths, look after your clients, make good use of Paypal and other online resources to build up your business.
- Serious affiliate marketing - The next step in affiliate marketing... when you have dabbled (as I have) you will realise that there are potentially huge amounts to be made from selling other peoples software etc. via your own website. Boost your exposure (and sales) with intelligent PPC campaigns and good SEO techniques, and you could be well on your way.
- Serious article writing - A big step on from paid to blog, there are online opportunities with companies that need original articles written - if you have writing skills, there is good money to be made. There is a demand for anything from short articles and essays right up to full-blown books. If you have time on your hands, you may be able to make this work for you.
You will need to be very dedicated (or extremely lucky) to get to the stage where you can 'give up the day job', but for some, it can be a reality. However, for the majority, you will be able to make far more in an office job than you can on-line. So in order to rise above the crowd, a lot of hard work is generally needed. Working online, is not easy money compared with a full-time job, but the money is certainly there if you want to claim your share of it. The size of your share will reflect the amount of hard work and enterprise that you invest.
PreNatal Vitamins
There is no doubt that you need to be in the best condition you can be when expecting a baby, and all sorts of supplements including specific prenatal vitamin may be useful to you. Care should always be taken about the things you take especially when pregnant to ensure that what you are taking is best for you any your baby.
Even an excess of vitamins can be harmful in special circumstances, so always seek the help and advise of a medical professional when embarking on a course of medication, even when the medication is seemingly harmless, and especially when you are taking medication for two...
Making money online - the starters...
As an addition to my recent 'make money online' series, this post is concerned with the schemes that you can build on to give a decent return. Of course, one mans 'decent return' is another mans drop in the ocean, but then one mans drop in the ocean can easily be another ones fortune, so it's all relative.
In cash terms we are talking about the sort of opportunity where you can earn $5 for about 10-15 minutes work. The list of these on-line opportunities looks like this:
- Paid to blog - there are fewer of these about nowadays, but it is possible to earn upwards of $15-$20 for a single blog-post either via a broker such as 'Payu2blog' or picked up on a forum where this type of trade is common.
- Paid To - not including reading emails or clicking on links, this covers schemes where you can be rewarded for signing up to something, completing an on-line registration or similar activity - the rewards can be far better than paid to read etc... but you will lay yourself open to spamming if you use your regular email address for signing up. In a short while you will find you can build funds quite nicely, especially if you sign others up to the same program
- Website monetisation through contextual ads and affiliates - These can be profitable enough to make it to the next level, but you can make reasonable amounts through these schemes without going all-out. Adding these to your existing websites can bring some welcome extra income. Where you rely on this as your main on-line income, the game becomes a little more interesting.
All of these can bring intermediate earnings, but will not sustain you long-term. For more serious earners, the main course - what I am calling 'the big fish' will be your ultimate goal, but until you get there, these 'starters' can keep the regular income flowing that may one day finance your 'next step' whatever that may be...
Thursday, 29 July 2010
I remember being fed vitamin C day-in, day-out as a child and I heard recently how 'scurvy' (vitamin C deficiency) an ailment long thought to be confined to sailors of long centuries ago, is back in schools around the UK today.
This is no doubt a result of bad diet, and we can look to vitamins to redress the balance, although it would make sense to try and introduce children to a balanced diet - one of the arguments behind 'breakfast clubs' that are currently being introduced.
Of course, vitamins are not only required by growing youngsters, there are adult requirements as well as specific womens vitamins available too. Good diet negates much of the need for many supplements, but some deficiencies remain, and where they are identified, a vitamin supplement can keep you fit and healthy day in, day out.
Making money online - the minnows...
Further to my previous post where I talk about the scourge of the internet (the Pyramid scheme), in this post we are going to be introduced to the shallow end of the 'making money on-line' pool, gradually working our way towards the deep end...
In this post, I am highlighting some of the schemes that are hardly worth the trouble. Many on-line earners start earning money this way, but the majority will either progress onto something else, or drop out thinking that there are no legitimate ways to make decent amounts of money left.
The 'minnows' include much of the 'paid to' programs including paid to read, or paid to click, the very cheapest of on-line activities which often yield less than a dollar for an hours work. I would also be tempted to put surveys into this category, some surveys are worthwhile, but in the majority of cases, they are not worth the trouble and my two remaining survey partners will be dumped as soon as I reach payout...
My other prime objection to 'paid to click adverts' and 'paid to read emails' schemes is that they are literally valueless - there is no value in you reading an email when you have no intention other than to simply get it read and move onto the next one. Similarly generating clicks to get 'hits' on a page is valueless and could even be construed as fraudulent - For one thing, the yield is extremely low which is why they are in the 'minnows' section, but the other problem with them is that they do go some way to insulting the intelligence of the participant - there is no satisfaction in this 'work' in my opinion. Nonetheless, it remains to be said that money (however small) can be made (at least semi-legitimately) in this arena...
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Weight loss or fat-burner? that is the main point of the apidexin sales drive. The promoters are keen to point out that it is intended to burn fat rather than force weight-loss through reducing retained water which is what other products will do.
There are a number of points to make when it comes to using medication for body enhancement and these are:
- A medical professional should be involved in the process, or at least informed of your decision
- You must change your lifestyle for prolonged effects, otherwise you have to take the medication long-term
- You should be aware of any possible side-effects especially from prolonged use.
Once you have made yourself fully aware of the consequences and prepared yourself for life after you stop taking the medication, you will be better placed to make a decision about the correct product to take.
Making Money Online - the scams...
I started this blog a few years ago to find out if it is possible to make some money on-line. My conclusion can be summed up as 'Yes, you can make money on-line... but it is not easy'. At least it is not easy to make a significant amount, it is very easy to make small amounts.
In today's post, I am highlighting some of the schemes that will confirm your worst fears that anything that appears to be too good to be true... generally is - The Scams:
Pyramid schemes are the king of all on-line scams - you appear to be getting something, but you only get something when you can persuade two, three or more others to sign up for the same thing. They only get something when they get others to sign up...and on...and on. Inevitably, there is no actual 'product' and the whole scheme works on the chain-letter principal where sooner or later there is no-one else left to be suckered.
I have seen them in all sorts of guises - in one, you appear to earn 'precious stones', but I strongly suspect that beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder here, and the stones will prove to be nothing more valuable than Cubic Zirconia. To be honest, the scheme makes no sense at all, and if you apply the reasoning 'where does the value come from?' there is very little value in the scheme therefore there can be very little value in the 'rewards'. This principle applies to all Pyramid Schemes, if there is value going in (ie. $10 from each contributor), the average value across the scheme per person CANNOT exceed $10 per person... it is a lottery where the only winners are the people at the top of the pyramid - ie: those that started the scheme.
I have also seen this same principle applied to the selling of web domains - the selling of '.WS' sites began very much like a pyramid scheme, you buy your site with (relatively pricey) hosting with the idea that you can use this site to sell... that's right... more .WS sites with hosting, which can be used to sell... you get the idea? There is no actual 'value' other than for the web host who sells more and more hosting packages. all of the individual sites in the scheme are cloned 'splash pages' offering the same thing.
I believe that the .WS domain is not ONLY restricted to this type of pyramid, but it is true to say that an awful lot of them are, and if I am honest, I will admit that this is one of the most ingenious pyramid schemes that I have come across.
Although not all online scams are pyramids or 'ponzi' schemes, they are one of the most prevalent and prey on the gullibility and (let's not shy away from it..) avarice that tends to cloud judgement a little.
Also in this series:
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Side Effects
Taking non-prescribed medication is always a risk, and the best advice is always seek the opinion of a medical professional before taking any course of medication even when taking supplements.
Any effective medicine will have an impact on your body, however you may not be aware that some of the resulting changes may be potentially harmful. For instance you may not be aware of colonoxy side effects, or the potential harm even in taking vitamins in doses that are higher than your body requires.
Doctors and healthcare professionals will be able to give you solid advice on the medications that will be effective for you, the proper doses, and the best places to get the medication from.
Check your spam..
Symantec have issued a warning that 'short URL' spamming is on the increase. Short URL's are those handy cut-down URL's that are particularly useful for using in twitter, or for concealing an affiliate link. Obviously they can also be used for something far worse than an affiliate link and they can be difficult for spam software to pick up.
Always check a link that arrives by unsolicited email, and if you think it is from your bank or Paypal etc.. always log on in the usual way (eg. via your 'favourites') rather than clicking on the link within the mail.
On the other hand, short URLs can be very useful, and I use a service called 'Tiny.cc" who allow you to use a custom URL within their shortened framework - all for free too!
Summer is here (in small doses)
A typical British summer is well under way, it is either deceptively hot or very wet with a lot of humidity thrown in just to make sure the heat is not actually enjoyable. Insects are abound, the annual rise of the flying ants is under way around here, a particularly unpleasant experience if you happen to get caught in it...
The nice weather has not been sustained enough for planning a barbecue, and the Citronella spray doesn't seem to have any effects on the wasps (other than they gather around the dispenser to get a better sniff of it...). For my part, I have found the perfect antidote for inquisitive insects as I have found that they are not at all partial to cigar smoke. My tip for the summer is to take a pack of Black and Mild into the garden with you if you want to be left well alone.
I also recommend a good book and a glass of something red and not-so mild just to round things off nicely. [None of the above recommendations apply to you if you are child, asthmatic, alcoholic or a professional athlete... or any combination...]
How to make a blog post
It is a while since I have posted any blogging tips, and I guess I am qualified to give advice after producing 814 posts on this blog over the last few years, not to mention the myriad posts on the four other blogs in the 'portfolio'...
My advice for writing a post is simple and to be fair, might not be applicable to those operating in a different 'sphere', but for what it's worth here are my tips:
My advice for writing a post is simple and to be fair, might not be applicable to those operating in a different 'sphere', but for what it's worth here are my tips:
- On the whole, keep it short and simple - where you feel led to write in excess of 500 words or so, my advice would be to split the post up into separate posts to form a series.
- Link similar posts together - like for the 'series' posts above, one one of my blogs (not so much with this one), I often put a 'similar posts' section at the end linking to related posts within the blog. To an extent this can also be done with tags, but I think if you take the trouble to link in two or three closely-related posts, your visitors are fairly likely to look at them.
- Keep it positive - in general, readers will tolerate a differing view from their own as long as you remain positive, unless you have a 'rant' blog, I would steer clear of airing your more contraversial views, and also of negative views that you might have. It is fine to talk about your love for Manchester City, but not advised to say how much you despise Manchester United unless you deliberately aim to alienate those readers who might disagree.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Back in the groove
I have recently got back into the groove of DIY (Do-it-yourself) after having done very little since replacing the bathroom door that got kicked through (Yes, I got locked in the bathroom..). It's always hard to find the time and energy to get into the DIY groove after getting home from the day-job, and once the dinner is eaten and the requisite family time is
Nonetheless, I have fired up the heat-gun and begun to strip off ancient layers of paint this weekend, last weekend I put some architrave around the loft-door... All this is part of a plan to fix the hall, stairs and landing prior to the plaster coming to transform our ancient walls into gleaming new facades hiding nearly 100 years of grime, glue and tasteless wallpaper.
I find the best way to do DIY is split large tasks into manageable chunks - the sort of thing you can complete in about three hours or so. This enables you to feel some sense of satisfaction after each stage even though there is still so much to do.
The cost of living
Having recently decided to try and release myself from a company car that costs me a lot of tax every year, I am now starting to look for a replacement car on a limited budget. The process has been a finely-tuned weighing of pro's and con's - on the pro side of the company car, I don't pay for repairs, servicing, road tax or insurance - on the con side, the car is tied up during the day when my wife could be using it, and it costs about £1000 as a taxable benefit.
The major expense (after buying the car itself), is probably going to be insurance, so I am particularly interested in locating the cheapest auto insurance network that is available. Of course, if I am really unlucky, it is quite possible that repair bills could easily overtake all other costs. Any car that I am likely to buy will be in the region of six years old which is about the time they start to generate expensive repair bills in my experience. I am still hopeful that I might be allowed to buy my current company car although I am some way short of being able to afford the market value. On the other hand, I have had a lot of fun browsing through the cars for sale websites and seeing what I could end up driving for the next few years.
The major expense (after buying the car itself), is probably going to be insurance, so I am particularly interested in locating the cheapest auto insurance network that is available. Of course, if I am really unlucky, it is quite possible that repair bills could easily overtake all other costs. Any car that I am likely to buy will be in the region of six years old which is about the time they start to generate expensive repair bills in my experience. I am still hopeful that I might be allowed to buy my current company car although I am some way short of being able to afford the market value. On the other hand, I have had a lot of fun browsing through the cars for sale websites and seeing what I could end up driving for the next few years.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
SEO plug-in
I have been using Google Chrome recently, and although I am not really one to get loaded up with plug-ins, I starting using two straight away. The first plug-in I installed was a googlemail plug-in which is very useful. The googlemail plug-in lets you know by sounding an alarm when mail arrives, indicating how many unread emails are in your inbox, and even popping up a preview of the mail when it arrives.
The next plug-in I discovered was an SEO plug-in - this gives an SEO overview of the currently-displayed page. The overview includes Google PageRank, backlinks for Google, Yahoo and others, Technorati and alexa rankings, whether the site is in DMOZ etc... I have found this plug-in to be extremely useful for overviewing my own sites, and also those of others that compete for the same keywords and markets.
Similar stories:
Google Chrome
The next plug-in I discovered was an SEO plug-in - this gives an SEO overview of the currently-displayed page. The overview includes Google PageRank, backlinks for Google, Yahoo and others, Technorati and alexa rankings, whether the site is in DMOZ etc... I have found this plug-in to be extremely useful for overviewing my own sites, and also those of others that compete for the same keywords and markets.
Similar stories:
Google Chrome
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Don't miss it!
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of SeeSaw. All opinions are 100% mine.
As a 'dyed in the wool' fan of online TV (especially as it means I can watch what I like without hogging our one and only TV), I have been watching SeeSaw for some time now, and am often tuned in to the Comedy Section which now features 'Summer Heights High'. I started watching this program on Freeview TV, but missed a whole load of episodes (in fact most of the series). I can now watch eight complete episodes at my leisure. Ali G, Marion and Geoff, Jack Dee and a host of really diverse shows are available to be viewed at any time.Not only that, but all these shows are absolutely free to watch - there is some paid content, but there is far more free content. Only a few premium shows carry any cost, and even then, the cost is far cheaper than renting a DVD. If you're stuck for something to watch, just visit the 'most popular' page and pick out one of the top offerings.
By now, everyone knows that all the major TV stations offer time-limited replays of their shows, but where SeeSaw is different is that they offer shows from the major channels all in one place - where else can you get to watch something from the BBC and then an offering from MTV?
I have long believed that the future of home entertainment would involve the amalgamation of TV and internet. I also believe that this has yet to come to complete fruition, but a service like SeeSaw is really pushing the boundaries.
One last thing, there's no complicated sign up, you don't need credit card details to start watching free shows, just visit the site, select your favourites, click and watch....
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Pagerank for Munny4Hunny
I did not quite believe my eyes the other day when trying out the Google Chrome SEO plug-in - I have been using this to run quick tests on my sites. the SEO plug in showed a pagerank of 1 for this blog - it has been a long long time since I have had any PR at all, so at first I was a bit skeptical. Since then I have tried a pagerank checker: http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php and sure enough, that also says I have regained pagerank on this blog...
I have not been pursuing PR at all for quite a while, so it is quite a pleasant surprise to see it return even though I doubt whether it makes any real difference except for prospective advertisers. I have long begun to disregard PR as having any real value, especially as I have (in other experiments) been able to have sites ranked very highly (ie. up to position 1 locally and position 2 globally) for keywords on sites that have no PR whatsoever. The main focus of SEO has to be search position alone, and if you can get search position without PR, why bother going to the trouble of trying to gain PR?
As to the return of PR, I can only surmise that finally the effects of all the viral linking between blogs has finally faded away to nothing. Out of curiosity I have been checking Technorati ranks too (as this is included on the Google Chrome SEO plug-in). I used to have a huge 'authority' ranking for Technorati due entirely to viral links, but on all my blogs but one, I now have an authority of 1 - My creditcruncher blog has authority of 105 for some reason, but this also was something of a surprise, and Technorati no longer seem to show you the links that endorse your 'authority'...
It's interesting how PR and Technorati 'authority' were two things that drove my blog a few years ago, but now, they are merely incidental. what it comes down to is this:
Just do your thing the way you want to do it, follow your own goals rather than following the crowd - at least that way, if you don't make a breaktrhough, you will be at least doing what you want. Following the crowd however, is never going to result in individual success.
Associated links:
Looking for PageRank
PageRank explained
Be yourself
I have not been pursuing PR at all for quite a while, so it is quite a pleasant surprise to see it return even though I doubt whether it makes any real difference except for prospective advertisers. I have long begun to disregard PR as having any real value, especially as I have (in other experiments) been able to have sites ranked very highly (ie. up to position 1 locally and position 2 globally) for keywords on sites that have no PR whatsoever. The main focus of SEO has to be search position alone, and if you can get search position without PR, why bother going to the trouble of trying to gain PR?
As to the return of PR, I can only surmise that finally the effects of all the viral linking between blogs has finally faded away to nothing. Out of curiosity I have been checking Technorati ranks too (as this is included on the Google Chrome SEO plug-in). I used to have a huge 'authority' ranking for Technorati due entirely to viral links, but on all my blogs but one, I now have an authority of 1 - My creditcruncher blog has authority of 105 for some reason, but this also was something of a surprise, and Technorati no longer seem to show you the links that endorse your 'authority'...
It's interesting how PR and Technorati 'authority' were two things that drove my blog a few years ago, but now, they are merely incidental. what it comes down to is this:
Just do your thing the way you want to do it, follow your own goals rather than following the crowd - at least that way, if you don't make a breaktrhough, you will be at least doing what you want. Following the crowd however, is never going to result in individual success.
Associated links:
Looking for PageRank
PageRank explained
Be yourself
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Free anti-virus software
It is a fairly well-established fact that much of the everyday software we use is free for home users. Years ago we used to have freeware and shareware which to be frank, was a bit clunky and amateurish, but nowadays, often fully-fledged professionally tried and tested software is available to all and sundry - and the price... is borne by the commercial users.
In many cases, it is a cut-down version of software that is available for free, and this is the case for many anti-virus software packages such as AVG, who offer 'AVG free' to home users. This is the first of my recommendations for anti-virus programs - it is free, self updating and trusted by many many users worldwide.
Those in the know understand that anti-virus need to be supplemented with anti-malware too, and my offering for this is Malware Bytes, again a cut-down free offering, and this program needs updating manually. Finally, Microsoft themselves have stepped into the arena with Microsoft Security Essentials - and the beauty of this system is that it is not only fully-functioning, and self-updating, it is also equipped to fight viruses AND malware all in one package.
So that's my three offerings:
- AVG Free
- Malware Bytes Anti-Malware (MBAM)
- Microsoft Security Essentials
'Google' them to find a reliable download site (for the Microsoft program go direct to Microsoft) - Although some software of this type can conflict, I am happy to report that I run all three of these together on several PC's with no ill effects. Why have more than one? you may ask, and my answer is the old 'belt and braces' argument...two ways to attack viruses and malware has got to be better than one. These software options all have different priorities and different ways of detecting problems, so relying on just one may be too much of a risk.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Health Cover
Health cover has become a political hot potato in the US recently with plans to bring in a level of cover for everyone in a similar way to the UK national health service. Traditionally, many US citizens have used private cover such as Blue Cross Blue Shield NC to look after medical matters. The worry is that the level of service offered by the US government scheme may not offer such a high standard of service, and will be a drain on national resources at a time when national debt is at unprecedented levels.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Google Chrome
I like to keep Munny4Hunny readers informed of internet relates issues and software, and having long championed the Firefox cause, I can report that I have had my head turned by Google Chrome.
This browser is great to use, has some really smart features and is noticeably faster that other browsers I have used. I love the 'open a new tab' feature that opens with snapshots of recently browsed pages, more often than not, you click on a snapshot rather than having to finding it in 'favourites' or typing a URL. I haven't gone a bundle on add-ons in Firefox, but have already installed two add-ons into Chrome - I have one that checks my googlemail for me, and even pops up a little preview of emails as they arrive... and another that gives an instant SEO overview of the page I am viewing.
I have been using Chrome for about a week, but although I haven't actually marked it as my default browser, I think it won't be long before I do...
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Depression is a very serious problem for many, and should not be treated lightly either by the sufferer or their friends and family. Once diagnosed, there are many forms of depression treatment available, but as always with medical conditions, the help of healthcare professionals should be sought. In some cases, symptoms of depression can be alleviated through diet, meditation and counselling rather than with medication.
Depression can have far-reaching effects, not only for the individual but also for family and friends. The best thing you can do for someone who is suffering is to listen to what they have to say, and guide them towards an effective treatment.
Term life insurance
Having the right type of insurance that meets your needs is vital, understanding all the terms is often a bit of a maze for the uninitiated...
For instance term life insurance is the type of insurance you have for a predetermined period, for example, during the term of a mortgage. This kind of cover pays out if the insured individual dies before the mortgage has been paid off, and provides mortgage protection for partner and family who might otherwise not be able to afford mortgage payments.
There are a number of points to consider before signing on the dotted line, namely:
- Before signing the insurance cover provided by your mortgage company, you should check if similar cover is available from a third-party insurer at a better rate.
- Consider whether you also need protection against critical illness and losing your job.
- Check whether other policies you have would provide sufficient cover.
Having more insurance than absolutely necessary may not be a bad thing, but for short term cover, it could be a waste of money.
Friday, 9 July 2010
Earnings June 2010
Profit in June was pretty much soaked up by my purchases when I bought my NAS (Network Attached Storage) from eBay. Not a bad month for blogging, in fact the second best so far this year.. and some welcome earnings from turning cassettes into CD's meant that I made enough to cover my eBay activity plus £2.73 profit!
I already have some paid to post blog earnings under my belt for July, and a few more cassettes done, so if I can keep off eBay, I should do alright this month!! I have a new project waiting to come online which may need an extra 'income' column. I am just finalising the website for this project and am working on marketing in the meantime - I am hoping that this will bring in some income that once complete, will allow me to just collect fees on an annual basis - more on this later...
I still have several other projects to iron out, hopefully they will all prove fruitful in their own way...
Thursday, 8 July 2010
What's in a name?
Phentirmene, Phenylethylamine or Phentermine 37.5? How do you know the difference? and how will they affect you? In short, my internet searching tells me that Phenylethylamine can stimulate the central nervous system and is thought to promote pleasure. It can be combined with other substances (such as Phentirmene) to make them more effective.
On the other hand, Rx Phentermine is an appetite suppressant with some fairly risky side effects. If you are looking at self-medicating for dieting - make sure you find out a little about what you are introducing into your body.
On the other hand, Rx Phentermine is an appetite suppressant with some fairly risky side effects. If you are looking at self-medicating for dieting - make sure you find out a little about what you are introducing into your body.
Adult Acne
One of the most effective way in which the internet can be used for marketing products is when the prospective customer may require a degree of privacy or anonymity not provided by High Street shops. Certain medical conditions that may cause embarrassment, are ripe for this kind of marketing. For instance, it is probably far easier to sell adult acne treatments online than it is over the counter. However, the privacy issue can also give rise to other problems such as not wanting to cause a fuss if the product does not work as advertised.
For instance, if you bought a remedy for an embarrassing condition, the seller may feel safe to supply a bogus product because they assume you will not want to attract attention by taking legal action. My advice is to only deal with reputable companies online - preferably companies that have proper contact details and are properly certified to operate in their chosen field.
For instance, if you bought a remedy for an embarrassing condition, the seller may feel safe to supply a bogus product because they assume you will not want to attract attention by taking legal action. My advice is to only deal with reputable companies online - preferably companies that have proper contact details and are properly certified to operate in their chosen field.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Late posting June earnings
My current projects are keeping me from compiling figures for June, and I have yet to compile a list of outgoings as yet.
My network attached storage device was the biggest purchase, but I am disappointed to report that some of the negative press I read about it (after I had bid on it!) have proved true. When I first had it, it would occasionally go 'missing' from the network, but just lately it seems not to want to appear on the network at all. My conclusion is that this particular model will be fine for occasional back-ups, but I would not trust it to host network files as each time I need to access it, I am needing to re-boot all the PC's on the network... I had attached my two USB drives to it, but now I am considering attaching them to single PC's where they will be available all the time...
In general, Paid to blog has continued to provide a background level of income leaving me free to concentrate on some of the many other projects that I hope will become long-term earners. Cassette to CD conversions have been scarce over the last few months, but there has been a bit more activity lately. I hope to be able to add to this income with some more projects that will come on line in a short while.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Whether you want to show off your holiday or children on Facebook or on a DVD to give to relatives, slideshows can be a geat way to do it. The latest software available for this comes from Smilebox.com - they provide a copy of their software for free download. You can then upgrade to the full-featured version later if you find the software useful and want to explore the additional features.
Marketing a software product this way is becoming increasingly popular because it allows the user to test a lot of the functionality without having to part with any money. The alternative limited trial period is sometimes not so effective because it assumes that you will have 30 days to play with the software, whereas in reality it may be only occasionally that you get the opportunity to try the software out properly. However, with the Smilebox slideshow software, you can still cancel the transaction up to 14 days after downloading the fully-featured version.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Getting on...
As I get older, I am finally starting to take a little more care over the things that I consume. I am not affected by weight problems in the slightest, which means that I have always been able to eat whatever I want. Unfortunately that probably means I have consumed all the wrong things without any obviously visible side effects.
I have had episodes where I have eaten more fruit, but in truth this is not a habit I have been able to sustain, however I have managed to ensure that I take more water and less coffee - which has to be a good thing.
I have yet to go down the route of natural protein powders or supplements, but if I don't make sure my diet is properly balance, I may even have to consider that sort of remedy.
I have always considered exercise as being more important than diet, and continue to get regular hard exercise a couple of times a week. It is the combined effects of bad diet and lack of exercise that gives us the real problems.
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