Tuesday 21 February 2012


I have been (as happens from time to time) lax in updating any of my blogs lately. There is no MLS actions at the moment, so I have nothing to say in my Beckham Blog, I rarely update my travel blog, and have not had time to write anything for Munny4Hunny or TheCreditCruncher lately.
Although I am fully recovered from my broken arm, I am very busy with stuff at real 'work' lately and have embarked on a DIY project which involves pulling our small office at home to bits - no floor at the moment, although the PC's are still running...
Hopefully the DIY project will mean I end up with a smart new office, but knowing that rate at which I work (I don't get many hours at home in which it would be possible to work to be fair...), it could take a while.
Not much happening on the cassette to CD conversions lately which is making me think I ought to probably do some SEO work on some of my sites and see if I can get any decent links (or even crappy links, I'm not fussy..!)
I am thinking I will probably charge any new office furniture to my home 'business', which will save me some income tax, but knock my profits for six!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Good luck with the SEO stuff 9and the home office improvements). I am working on SEO with a few of my sites at the moment, one has gone from a page rank of zero to two which is a good start!