Sunday, 24 October 2010


Affiliates can be a good way to make some extra income, and you can read more about effective affiliate marketing on Livewyre.NET. I have had some success, but earnings have been very sporadic. I remember when I started, I had nothing for months and months, then got two 'sales' within hours of each other and got paid about $70... this encouraged me greatly, but I have never really got into a groove with affiliates and I do regard it as something of a missed opportunity.
I have tried a few in my time, never had much success with clickbank, and never really understood their reporting... The one service I have found effective is 'ShareASale', although I tend to have long periods of inactivity with affiliates, this is the one service that has come up trumps for me - and again, it's passive income so why wouldn't you?
I have never really got into using PPC to generate leads, and so have never really tried to exploit this market fullly, but nonetheless, affiliates can generate earnings if you can find affiliates that are closely linked with your niche. ShareASale have an extremely wide range of affiliates available with very wide ranges of earnings. I have earned from ones that pay a couple of cents to others that pay in tens of dollars - each one has it's own payment matrix.
If you think this is something that could work for you, check out the article on Livewyre.NET linked above, and then sign up with ShareASale and see what they can offer that fits in with your niche - you have nothing to lose, they provide a variety of banner you can place on your pages, if you get sufficient traffic, and the affiliates is well in line with your visitors interests, you may well start a new revenue stream.

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