Tuesday, 18 August 2009

PC update

I have recently replaced the motherboard in my 'spare' PC as it seemed to be failing component by component... I am pleased to report my new eBay-purchased mobo seems to be working perfectly now although as ever, there were teething problems.
First of all the operating system on my existing hard drive wouldn't load, so after I had tried reloading the BIOS, I ended up doing a clean install on another disk and this worked fine. Secondly, the LAN socket and the audio output didn't work - so I visited the manufacturers website and downloaded all the drivers for the mobo. This recovered the use of the non-working components so everything was hunky dory...
Except... even after I reloaded the video software that I really needed this PC for in the first place...it wouldn't work!!
So it's good news and bad news - it works far better than my old PC for browsing the internet (I am sure I have a firewall issue with my original PC), but the software that I really wanted to run on it will not work. However I have a spare laptop from work that I have loaded the same software onto and I am hoping that being a dual core CPU, this might be a better bet... If not I will be browsing eBay for a dual core CPU for my socket 939 motherboard in one last attempt to get this software to run...
I am now becoming adept at Windows re-installs and have even made up a CD of most needed freely downloadable software, a list that I will post about at a later date.

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