I was browsing around the web today and I decided that I would like to take up Stephen Walton's challenge. Stephen is suggesting that we post a visual aid on our blog to remind us why we ever got involved in the blogosphere in the first place. My choice, like Brown Barron is family... Also like Brown Barron, I am only going to use a representation of my family...rather than the real thing. This photo represents my family as well as anything else, and it's true, my quest for a little extra money is so that I can give things to my family that we would not be able to afford otherwise.
Your goal might be a specific car or a new house or a thriving business, using elements of the law of attraction, Stephen is inviting us to visualise our goal to concentrate our minds. Taking part in the challenge will mean that you will get link backs for SEO and page-rank so that fits nicely with my plan for this month of gaining page-rank points wherever I can.
Why not take part in the challenge or just take a browse around Stephen's Blog to get an idea of what Blog Success is all about...
Here are the reasons to take up this challenge:
- A chance to engage with readers on a personal level
- Promoting Stephen's Blog and helping him to share success
- Link exchanges for SEO and Technorati/Alexa/Google rankings
- Helping to visualise your own goals
- You could help someone by talking about what is important to you
Oh yeah and...how about this for a mini-banner Stephen - you should be able to tell where the inspiration came from:
211 and counting.. I better get my grove on if I want to catch up too you..
eat dust hockey-boy...
Congratulations on making it onto Paula Mooney's list !
oooh thanks - what is that???
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